Ok........has anybody been hearing rumors about new light on the faithful and discreet slave teaching? I recently talked to one of my ex-bethel buddies and he said that an adjustment has been in the works for awhile now and that the new light for the FDS will be that they will receive their appointment before the Great Tribulation and that they didn't receive it at 1918-19 as previously taught. Their works (global preaching work, worldwide growth, etc) up until the point of the Great Tribulation will show that they have been faithful and discreet in caring for the lord's interests and worthy of "official" appointment before the end comes. ANYBODY HEARD THIS?
Faithful & Discreet Slave - NEW LIGHT
by Black Man 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If this is true, I applaud you for your knowledge and bringing this out, Black Man.
Thanks for the info.
It sounds good!............ I've heard that the slave will have others included, not just anointed ones. There will be a passing of the mantle with scriptural proofs to show that now those of the "nethinim" class can rightly dispense the spiritual food.
Now THAT would really really make people stop and think. Because... well... wouldn't that mean that -- right now -- there is no faithful and discreet slave serving? And that there has never been a modern-day fds? Man!
Oh! Wait a minute...
I thought that the generation new light and the sheep and the goats new light would almost FORCE people to stop and think. Ooops, my bad. Did no such thing.
On second thought, if this really is new light, the average JW is going to thank Jehovah for all his loving kindnesses and won't stop to think about this new light at all. -
I'll wait until I see proof of this. Indeed rumors persist, but i think it would make a wave in dub land if it would be presented as you said. The 'inspection' has always been substantiated with 'facts'. Eventhough they never actually proved this invisible event -as it never happened in the first place-, it is regarded as proven beyond doubt and a cornerstone in their authority claims. Aint see it happen really but if it does ..... boy oh boy!
Up till now it's just an unconfirmed rumor.
"Facts" mean zip. "Oh, well, that's what we used to think." That's all they'll say and give the new lite. You might be surprised if there's a number of people that could just eat something like this up. Afterall, there's not been anything real juicy in the last decade. This would create quite a buzz.
Very interesting rumor. I am pasting in an interesting theory on the F&DS that I saw somewhere. I can't remember where I saw this (maybe here?) or who wrote it so I can't attribute it properly but this makes an interesting parallel to Black Man's posted rumor. Maybe the "current" F&DS read it, too, and it gave them an idea about some New Light before someonwe else could spill the beans and steal their "New Light Thunder?"
You say there hasn't been anything juicy in the last decade. What about the "generation" change in 1995? Close but not quite a decade...
"Then Peter said, "Lord, are you saying this parable to us only, or also to all?" And Jesus said, "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master set down over his household to give them their food in due season?" (Luke 12:41, 42; Matthew 24:45)
All Jesus did was ask a question. Who really is...? Then, Jesus ANSWERS that question.
"Happy is that slave when his master UPON ARRIVING finds him doing so. Amen I say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings." (Matthew 24:46, 47; Luke 12:43, 44)
Has the Master arrived yet? (Matthew 24:30; 1 Corinthians 11:26) The 'faithful and discreet servant' has not and WILL NOT be 'identified' until the Master arrives. Why do we have to wait until the Master arrives? Jesus answers that too.
"But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart 'My master is delaying' and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the drunkards; the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and at an hour that he does not know, and will cut him in two and will assign him with the hypocrites. There is where the weeping and the gnashing of his teeth will be." (Matthew 24:48-51; Luke 12:45, 46)
Jesus said the faithful slave could become wicked at ANYTIME. He doesn't say out in the open, but he says in his HEART 'My master is delaying.' No one can really know he is a wicked slave until the Master comes. Hence, if the slave is faithful even until the master returns (whenever he returns), he really is faithful. So no one will know who the faithful slave is (if there even is one) until the master arrives.
Further... They tell you that the faithful and discreet slave is the "mouthpiece" of God on earth. Is this true?
"God, who long ago on many occasions and in many ways spoke to our fathers by the mouth of the prophets has at the end of these days spoken to us by the mouth of a Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom also he made the system of things." (Hebrews 1:1, 2)
God in the past spoke to our forefathers by means of the prophets, not an organization. The prophets on earth served as his mouthpiece to his people. In these last days, God speaks to us by the mouth of a Son. So the Son is God's "mouthpiece" today. How does the Son speak to us?
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me." (John 10:27)
"I have other sheep that are not of this fold, those also I must bring in, and they will LISTEN TO MY VOICE, and they shall become one flock with one shepherd." (John 10:16)
From where do they listen to his voice? Is it through an organization? From the Bible? The scriptures say:
"See that you do not beg off from him who is speaking. For if they did not escape who begged off from him who gave divine warning upon the earth, much more so we if we beg off from him who speaks FROM THE HEAVENS." (Hebrews 12:25).
So God speaks to us today by the mouth of his Son not through an organization, nor through the Bible... but directly "from the heavens." -
Well if this is true, then we got a big thing coming up. Hope you are right!!!
They will definitely need to make some sort of adjustment, due to the age of the annointed, their persistant refusal to die off, and the delaying of the end. All of these things put stress on their contorted chronology. This change would be a start.
It's hard to imagine the society ever doing anything that would jeapardize their claim to authority.
As for the effect of the change, they will simply couch it in such a way that the average drone's eyes will glaze over - they will baffle them with complicated logic. Then, in a few years, no one will ever remember that it was changed.
Sounds like the teaching that e-watchman is promoting. Actually, assuming for a moment that the FDS can apply Matthew 24 to themselves, it makes more sense that their appointment is a future one. The appointment in 1919 stuff doesn't hold up as well.