I think that he(Scholar) has proof of that date that he will not share with us.
LMAO. That's a great line.
has anyone heard (or seen) any comments from witnesses about the december 15, 2003 watchtower that seems to be to be pointing to 2034 as possible date for the end of this system of things?
I think that he(Scholar) has proof of that date that he will not share with us.
LMAO. That's a great line.
governing body members .
theodore jaracz,.
john barr, carey barber, albert schroeder,.
I'm sorry but everytime somebody mentions Don Adams I think of Agent Maxwell Smart from Get Smart, "Sorry about that, Chief". Too bad he isn't in charge of the WTS. When asked about the year 607 not being correct he could say, "Missed it by that much".
i personally liked ren and stimpy.
they were funny.. (edited)
Okay you HBO fanatics, how bout "Curb Your Enthusiasm?"
sometimes when i go visit my mother, she mentions that i was a good kid because i was raised by bible principles.
i was crying for absolutely no reason at all.
around 11:30, i felt completely ill. i went up to my teacher and told him i was going to see the nurse.
Sometimes when I go visit my mother, she mentions that I was a good kid because I was raised by Bible Principles. I never got into drugs or theft because of Bible Principles. Is this true? I doubt it.
What about all those kids that were raised by Bible principles but still got into drugs, sex, rebellion, etc? I've known many a JW youth that despite their parents best effort still got into trouble or never accepted the "truth". Some might say it was the parents fault, but yet the troubled youth's siblings all became pioneers. That doesn't make sense.
I have cousins that are not JWs. They are a very conservative bunch. In fact, they are boring. They've never even come close to getting into any kind of trouble. No drinking, smoking, out late, nothing. My siblings and I have always been the loud, fun-loving, drinking, controversial, partying ones compared to them. Now, which group was raised better by Bible principles?
profile: fred colburn
fred colburn is owner and manager of colburn building maintenance, which is located downtown.
his business?
On the other hand, the Witnesses who start their own businesses are often intelligent people, who would have become skilled professionals if not for the Watchtower's position on higher education.
I have to agree with that. The JWs that I know, who own successful small business are actually very intelligent people. They usually have type A personalities and are very outgoing. If they keep up meeting attendance and service hours they usually become elders that are used on the liason committees, building committees, etc. If they had gone to college or had worked at growing their businesses instead of becoming JWs, many of them would be the movers and shakers of their communities.
for me it was the belief that all people who refuse to become jws are intrinsically bad.
if someone doesn't accept the "truth", naturally it's because "satan-the-devil" has hardened their hearts.
when you're a dub, you tend to ignore the ramifications of this.
"that the generation of 1914, will not pass away, before Armageddon"
jwd is a forum for jws and exes to get together and discuss things.
most of the things we talk about are jw related but not all things are.
we all have opinions.
The organization always knew better than we did. We were there to listen, learn and stay quiet unless otherwise addressed. After getting out of the organization, we started to learn that we, in fact, could express ourselves.
Because the org conditioned us to not express ourselves, now that we can, we don't always know how to do it correctly and we end up doing it badly. It may seem that some are taking things too seriously, but considering what we have all come out of, we have to realize that it's harder for some to have the same level of humor or be flippant about things. Some have been seriously damaged or abused. They have some bad situations to deal with. Others, while maybe angry or hurt, find a way to be humorous or laugh at things. It helps them to deal with it.
workmates, friends, school friends etc,.
do you ever mention it, or if someone asks you your religion, do you ever mention it, or keep it in your past ??
Not any more. Actually I never really told too many people outside of service. People at work eventually found out but were nice about it(kinda like being nice to the handicapped kid in class, I guess).
Not too long ago, though, I was in a bar with a workmate when he brought up religion. I tried to avoid it, but he wouldn't let it go. He said that he noticed that I no longer had the hang-ups that I used to and asked if my religion was loosening up. I informed him that I had "issues" with it and was no longer attending. He then confessed to me that he always considered JWs a cult and he was glad that I was now "becoming a normal person". His words.
reeeal mennn of geniussss....
here's to you, mr. microphone hand-el-er (mister microphone hannnd-el-er...)
you accepted this assignment at the age of 12 to show the congregation that you were reaching out (you want to be a servant...)
This is from the thread linked to above:
When I was still Assimilated (i.e. still in the BORG, but wanting out every second of that time), there was so much emphasis put on microphone handling that it was almost unreal. It was almost as if the microphones on their long poles were some sort of spiritual conductor that could electrocute you with God's spirit and lead you to become a Ministerial Servant or an Elder. Hey, that sounds exactly like the process that you use to become Annointed! Whodathunkit?
So true. We had meetings on how to hold the mics, how to carry the mics, how far the mic was to be from the mouth, etc.
I remember when we were using the long poles with mics on the end we weren't supposed to let the friends grap it, we were the handlers not them. But of course everybody wanted to hold the mic themselves and hold it too close to their mouth. I remember one sister always fought me over the mic. I had to keep pulling it away from her and she would pull just that much harder. So, one day I was just tired of the whole thing, when she got called on and she saw it was me handling the mic she grabbed it hard and jerked. I let her have complete control. She knocked the mic right into her mouth with a big loud teeth clink for all to hear. It was great.
if, after armageddon, everything will be returned to an eden-like state, will everyone be naked?
some of the brothers and sisters i've seen..... ewwwwwwww.
Actually, I remember speculation about this when I was small. It wasn't from the platform, but a lot of JWs speculated about how it would be in the "new system" since it was right around the corner, ya know. I remember some people said that we would not have to have clothes since we would be perfect, just like Adam and Eve before the fruit tasting. This was before the "new light" on progressively attaining perfection over a thousand years instead of instant perfection after Armageddon. I also remember(this one from the platform) that it was speculated that we would all have to learn Hebrew as that would be our new language.