I agree that eating can become an addiction. The experience I gave earlier was not meant to belittle anyone with a real addiction. But the person I knew was just a slob. He didn't care about his appearance or his weight or his health.
I don't mean to lump all heavy people or over-eaters into that same category. I guess when you give an example, you kinda have to know the person and situation. But I know that his gluttony was not an addiction.
At the same time, smoking can be an addiction. Does the WTS have a program to help these addicts? Outside of exhorting these ones to pray, No. But yet they disfellowship ones who cannot quit. But someone who overeats, whether addicted or not, is ignored. According to the scriptures that they say that they adhere to, gluttony is wrong. Addiction or not. But they do not punish these ones while making sure smokers, addicted or not, are removed. There is where the hypocrisy is.
I beleive one can smoke occasionally without becoming addicted. It's like alchohol. Some can, some can't. If you feel can you become addicted to it, then you should abstain completely. If you can have a smoke or drink without overindulging or feel a constant craving, then it should not be a problem. Eating or overeating is a different situation. You have to eat to live, so someone addicted to eating needs help. Help that cannot be given by elders praying over you.
Why not counsel, disclipline and rehabilitate the addicted ones, no matter what the addiction, instead of picking on certain addictions to condemn but ignore others without ever really helping anyone?