Mind control is the shaping of a person's attitudes, beliefs, and personality without the person's knowledge or consent.
It's the last part that makes the debate interesting. The first part is a given. The second part is where it gets tricky. I have to ask, if certain technics are applied so that the person doesn't realize what is happening over time, would this not fit in the description? You're not forcing someone to do something, but over time, you shape their attitude, etc. Now you don't have to force them to follow your dictates, they actually want to.
Mind control employs deceptive and surreptitious manipulation, usually in a group setting, for the financial or political profit of the manipulator.
The WTS is deceptive, we can all agree on that, can't we? They use a group setting, in fact, independance is frowned upon. I guess we can debate what profit or gain is realized by the "manipulator" but it looks to me that money is the motivator.
Mind control works by gradually exerting increasing control over individuals through a variety techniques, such as excessive repetition of routine activities, intense humiliation, or sleep deprivation.
Exerting increasing pressure. Ask anyone who was a JW and they will tell that the pressure to do more, give more is a constant reminder at all meetings and in the publications. Repitition for emphasis. That's a key phrase in the Ministry School. Constant rehashing of the ideals and beliefs of the group is the norm. Intense humilation. Intense may be a strong word, but ask anyone disfellowshipped how they felt. Ask any JW about how they would feel to be disfellowshipped. Sleep deprivation. This is a stretch, but I've heard others mention this, so maybe I'm not so far off: The WTS keeps its members so busy with the meetings, service, assemblies, etc, that they don't have time to sit back, comptemplate, or question anything. It may not be sleep deprivation, but it is a deprivation of time. All my life as a JW, I've heard how "we are a busy people" How many JWs talk about how hard it is to keep the schedule as outlined by the WTS. How many actually live up to it?
I think the raising of kids as JW's (as GaryB referred to earlier) is an interesting topic, and one that probably merits another thread.
Actually this makes a big difference on this thread regarding the knowledge/consent area. I was raised "in the truth". My attitude, beliefs and personality was shaped to accept that being a JW was the only way to God. Was this without my knowledge or consent? Technically yes. I was too young to make any other kind of decision. You can argue that about any religion or lifestyle I suppose but it does present something to think about.
PS Thanks for the commendation, Minimus.