Wish I had time to cut and paste actual WT quotes, but anyway:
Veneration of the Leader: Excessive glorification to the point of virtual sainthood or divinity.
WT leaders are Christ's brothers who receive information to disseminate to the others. The leaders are treated like saints on earth JWS.
Inerrancy of the Leader: Belief that he or she cannot be wrong.
The information from the leaders through the WT is to be treated as from God. God can't lie, thus the leaders can't be wrong.
Omniscience of the Leader: Acceptance of beliefs and pronouncements on virtually all subjects, from the philosophical to the trivial.
Same as above. If the leader says so, it has to be right and the members should conform.
Persuasive Techniques: Methods used to recruit new followers and reinforce current beliefs.
Bible study that is actually a study of a publication by the group using Bible texts to support their beliefs.
Deceit: Recruits and followers are not told everything about the leader and the group's inner circle, particularly flaws or potentially embarrassing events or circumstances.
This could go on and on, but a few: UN, 607 vs 587, 1914, generation, Rutherfords takeover, pyramidology, etc, etc, etc.
Financial and/or Sexual Exploitation: Recruits and followers are persuaded to invest in the group, and the leader may develop sexual relations with one or more of the followers.
Invest is not the word used, but persuading followers to give for furthering the kingdom work. Real estate scams.
Absolute Truth: Belief that the leader and/or group has a method of discovering final knowledge on any number of subjects.
See numbers one and two.
Absolute Morality: Belief that the leader and/or the group have developed a system of right and wrong thought and action applicable to members and nonmembers alike. Those who strictly follow the moral code may become and remain members, those who do not are dismissed or punished.
Do or Don't do what the leaders say or be disfellowshipped, shunned by all other members, including family.
Fits the definition pretty close, I'd say.