I actually told people I wasn't trying to convert them.I just wanted to talk about the bible.
I was guilty of that too. I usually said something about "not forcing people to change religions". It was like I was trying to rationlize(read: lie) to myself if I said outloud that we were trying to help people understand the bible when all along we were trying to win converts. I hated all the service meeting parts on overcoming objections. If somebody told me, "no, I'm not interested" that was good enough for me. I didn't need to "draw them out" and see exactly what they thought the trinity was before I attempted to prove them wrong and us right.
I mean, god, how stupid was I? ministry school/service meetings were sales meetings. Here's our product. Here's how it works. Here's how to convince people they need it. Here's how to overcome their objection at not needing it. All in the name of god.