Are you having doubts?
Am I having doubts about having doubts? LOL. No, I know what you mean. I know the WTS is full of BS. I guess what I'm trying to say is that after over a year of being "out", I start getting calls and "we miss you's" and pressure from family. I guess that's the downside to fading. Every once in a while someone is going to pop up out of the past and bring up issues that we thought were settled. You start to settle into a "normal" life and somebody wants to dredge up the past or "encourage" you.
I worry that I will slide back only because it would be easy to do so to have family back. There are so many ways they try to suck you back in..
Yes, I guess it could be easier to just go through the motions at the hall just to have those family ties. But going through the motions to me is the same as lying to yourself. I won't nor can't do it.
I even posted to my own question, just like minimus...