That's true, Atilla. It is the little things that bothered a lot of us until we couldn't take it anymore. But many JWs never question anything. The little things don't bother them. They swallow it hook, line and sinker. Then when a scandal such as the UN-NGO thing is presented it can shock them either into denial or into awakening. After that awakening, all the little things that bothered us before start to bother them. In this case, our X-JW friend here had one shot at shocking them. The UN-NGO is a pretty good shock. Hopefully it will awaken some to the little things and maybe they will start to question the WTS.
JoinedPosts by undercover
UN scandal...again
by yxl1 ini popped round to my mothers the other day, not realising she had the book study at her house.
luckily it had almost finished so i waited around.
once finished the elder shook my hand and asked me what i was doing now.
Jewish Passover Starts evening 4/5, WTS 4/4, why the difference?
by blondie inhas anyone attending still noticed the difference?.
has any explanation been given at the kh?.
Hmmm, I didn't know that. Leap year and the old fogeys missed it? LOL
UN scandal...again
by yxl1 ini popped round to my mothers the other day, not realising she had the book study at her house.
luckily it had almost finished so i waited around.
once finished the elder shook my hand and asked me what i was doing now.
Remember the WTS voluntarily "associated" (or "partnered") with the UN. To become an "associated NGO" with the UN's DPI one must voluntarily seek out the UN and voluntarily agree to support its Charter and disseminate the UN's information.
Good point. Some people might think that this is splitting hairs, but it is important to have the facts straight when presenting this account. If a puzzled JW should ask about the WTS "joining" the UN, it could easily by denied by the very fact that non-countries can't "join". Thus ends the doubt and reiterates to the dub that apostates are just full of evil, vile information. If, on the other hand, the account is presented factually, then a doubting, questioning JW will only find confirmation to what he heard, thus creating an even bigger dilema for him to face.
Good thinking though, to use the UN-NGO tact. A scandal that can be confirmed by sources not tied to apostates or their literature. Speaking loudly enough for several to hear was pretty good too. You turned being put on the spot into a chance to present the truth about the "truth" to several people not just the one questioning you.
Good article about the NWT
by starfish422 in
this is from the freeminds website.
i love reading quotes in their full context and realizing how much the "brothers" have chopped them up to suit their own purposes.
The NWT is indisputably the finest and most accurate translation of the Bible ever made.
It is disputable. It has been disputed. It will continue to be disputed. All translations are disputable. Just because you choose to accept the NWT as your translation of choice does not make your blanket statement a fact. Just because the WTS claims that the NWT is the best, doesn't mean all other translators or scholars agree.
I will accept your above statement as fact, however, if you show documentation of ALL scholars, translators, experts, etc that wholeheatedly agree that the NWT is the finest and most accurate translation of the Bible ever made.
by sandy inhow many here are planning to see this movie.
also, can any of you direct me here to any topics about jesus himself.
i want to read up on the history of jesus.
When I saw Braveheart and saw how Gibson portrayed the death of William Wallace and how emotional he made the end of that movie I thought then, if he was to make a movie about the life and death of Jesus(as based on the Bible), he could make it so much more powerful than he did Braveheart. Though Braveheart was historically inaccurate it didn't change the depth of the main character and how Gibson wanted you to feel about him and what he went through.
All that being said, I still think it's just another book being made into a movie. The director/screen writer can adapt it however they see fit in whatever way they interpret the writer's story. Movies never do the book justice and often take poetic license in order to make it stylish or popular to the main stream.
The Passion of the Christ
by Christian Soldier ini got hold of a memo from a jew who watched this movie :
sent: sunday, january 18, 2004 8:56 pm
subject: fw: paul harvey's comments on mel gibson's movie, "the passion of thechrist" .
It looks like it's going to be a good movie. I do think that too big of a deal is being made over it though, after all, it's just another book being made into a movie.
A matter of conscience or more?
by overitforgood inthere are a couple co-workers who are jw?s.
needless to say, i find their actions and their beliefs to be at odds.
this one particular witness knowingly participated in a group lunch sponsored by a religious radio station recently (among other questionable activities in the past).
According to a letter I got from the Service Department, the Watchtower Society and the local elders do not TELL any JW what to do... every JW decides on his own. (Yeah right)
I think it's called our Bible trained conscience. The WTS will come out and say something like, "Because of one's study of the Bible, a sincere Christian would refrain from....." or "Following the example of the early Christians, Christians today avoid......" This loaded language does not come out and say what we should or should not do, but no dutiful JW will dare speak against it and say "I relied on my conscience". It can't be done. That's why there are so many X-JWs filling these pages.
"They're out to get me!"
by Nan inis it my imagination, or do jehovah witnesses have an "everyone is against me" attitude??
our daughter-in-law (who is a jw) seems to have this mind-set.
whether its getting the car repaired, going to the doctor, work done on the house, etc., they all have "ripped her off".
I tend to think this is more of a personality trait, as I have this ,"they're out to get me" in many people I have known throughout my lifetime who were and weren't JW's
I've seen the trait both inside and outside the org. But, how do I put this delicately, most of the people that I know of that have a persecution complex are not very well educated. I don't mean college educated, I mean well-read, up on current events, uses commen sense and logic in forming opinions and attitudes. JWs fall into the category, even when decently educated, because they stick their head in the sand when it comes to anything outside their Kingdom Hall world.
I had this trait. Even in everyday things, I thought people were trying to stick it to me. Even in little things, from fighting over a parking spot to arguing over getting my McDonald's order right, it was the world against me. As I ventured out from WT land and saw that the world wasn't the evil place that had been painted by my religion, I eased up on my "complex". I realized people were just people, no different than me and that the world really wasn't out to get me. It's really nice to go out and accept people as they are instead of casting some evil intent on them as the WTS would have us believe.
Which One Lie Hurt You The Most About Jehovahs Witnesses?
by shamus inwhich one teaching really hurt you when you found out that it was not true?
my number one thing is finding out that the name "jehovah" was not in the bible like it was in the new world translation (tm).
christians did not call god "jehover" "jehovah" or by his first name, no more than you would call your father by his first name when you were a child.
How many lazy Saturdays doing nothing but watching butterflies. No we had to save the world from impending disaster.
Excellent post. All those Saturday's wearing church clothes, knocking on doors, pedaling magazines. A complete waste of time. The best years of my life spent shilling this religion and with what return? A wasted youth. A wasted young adult life. Waiting for the world to end and it never happening. And now, getting older without the energy or time to pursue interests that I put on hold in my youth. Realizing that I am no different than the other 7 billion people on earth, I am going to grow old and die. To think that I dare think that I was special enough to believe that I wouldn't die. How gullible, stupid, ignorant can a person be? But I was that person. And now, I am just another nameless, faceless person in the stream of history that in 200 years no one will know about or care about. Thank you, WTS for fucking up my life.
It may not be a scandal but it's certainly Scandalous, alternative service
by shotgun inin 1998 the wt addressed concerns where many felt like they served prison time needlessly due to refusal of alternative civilian service which upto 1996 had been considered the same as military service.
*** w98 8/15 p. 17 strengthening our confidence in gods righteousness ***feelings of having suffered needlessly.
6 in the past, some witnesses have suffered for refusing to share in an activity that their conscience now might permit.
*** w98 8/15 p. 17 Strengthening Our Confidence in God?s Righteousness *** Feelings of Having Suffered Needlessly
6 In the past, some Witnesses have suffered for refusing to share in an activity that their conscience now might permit.
7 Was it unrighteous on Jehovah?s part to allow him to suffer for rejecting what he now might do without consequences?
They have the audacity to tell you that you're blaming God for questioning any inconvenience you suffered for following the WTS' direction? The f***king a$$holes! This shit really pisses me off. Goddamn them all to hell.