Take it in the other direction. If they became so full of themselves and made too many drastic changes. Would people wake up and realize they have been fooled? What if you read this:
From the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses:
Dear Brothers,
Upon further reflection on the scriptures and with prayerful consideration and meditation on Jehovah's purpose, the Governing Body is pleased to learn from Jehovah himself that they have been given all ruling power on earth over Jehovah's faithful followers.
Previously true Christians accepted the Governing Body as Jehovah's channel of communication, but as Jehovah has revealed to the faithful modern prophet made up of the Governing Body, these men are in fact Jehovah's ambassadors on earth with ruling authority over the subjects of Jehovah's earthly organization.
What does this mean for Jehovah's true worshippers?
For one, this good news justifies our position as God's earthly organization and gives us all authority over all who profess to worship Jehovah. Our beloved followers can rest assured that whatever decisions we make will be in their best interest and since Jehovah has given us this power, we can only make good decisions. Of course this will mean accepting the rightful position of the organization in your life as dedicated followers of this program as set up by Jehovah God himself. Immediate changes are already underway. Letters of instruction have been mailed to all bodies of elders regarding the changes to take place as soon as this letter is read to the congregation.
What are some of the exciting changes?
All property owned by true christians will become the property of Jehovah God, held in deed of trust by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. All dedicated, baptized christians rejoice at the oppurtunity to give their material possesions in furthering the Kingdom work.
Another exciting change invloves marriage partners and choosing the right one. As we progress further into this wicked system, divorce rates have skyrocketed, even among Jehovah's people. To reverse this God dis-honoring trend, the Governing Body will approve all engagements and marriages. Upon engagement, the local body of elders will, if they approve of the proposed union, submit this proposal to the Governing Body for prayerful consideration and guidance from the Holy Spirit. We know that all true worshippers of Jehovah rejoice at the prospect of having their marriage blessed and accepted by Jehovah himself through his Holy Spirit and his earthly ambassadors.
An even more exciting change involves our most precious inheritance from Jehovah - our children. As set out in principle when Jepthah promised his daughter to Jehovah's work, we too today as Jehovah's servants will now share in the great Jepthah work. All children born of faithful parents will immediately be dedicated to Jehovahs ambassadors with the privilege and responsibility of serving at Bethel when they reach 18 years of age. What joyous news for parents of the true God. Now our children will gain the best education of all after high school; that of the true God Jehovah and his palace on earth - Bethel training. We are so honored to accept these gifts from God to continue his work here on earth.
Of course, this great influx of volunteers in 20 years time will involve much preparation. All true worshippers with construction experience will have the great priviledge of sharing one year out of every five in helping to construct newer, more modern Bethel buildings to house the many new workers. What a great priviledge for our hard working brothers. Yes, brothers, your wives will come too, their help will be needed to cook and clean and sew. Oh, grand days are indeed ahead for our followers.
But the most exciting change of all insures that the Governing Body bloodline will survive until Jehovah sees fit to bring this wicked world to it's end. As we know the Governing Body is getting up in years and their wives are past the years of childbirth. To ensure that the bloodline of the Great Governing Body remains on earth to lead their people, starting immediately, representatives from Bethel will scan the globe for suitable virgins to bring back to Bethel to help in creating a superior bloodline of faithful servants of the Society and Jehovah. Girls from the age of 16 thorugh 22 will be eligible to share in this grand work. As Jehovah blessed Abraham with the possibility of an heir through his slave girl, so too, Jehovah is blessing his modern day prophet and ambassadors with the means to continue the great work that Jehovah has bestowed upon us.
Brothers, we see that many grand and wonderful changes are taking place with this new arrangement from our loving father, Jehovah God. With these changes it is ever so apparent that the end of this world is closer than ever. Are we not excited to be part of the grand plan and further showing Jehovah and his earthly representatives that we are worthy of their attention? Let us not slack up in the work. Stay busy in the work of the Lord and his abassadors. Remember, accepting what the Governing Body decides is accepting what Jehovah decides. To murmer or complain against the ambassadors is murmuring and complaining against Jehovah himself. We would not want to be on the side that loses life in Armageddon by being complainers and murmerers.
With love,
Your Brothers and Ambassadors to Earth,
The Governing Body