I got an email a few months after 9/11 telling how a Bethel biggie at the breakfast table told the family about a brother who had been trying to get a job with some company for some time. He finally got offered the job, but it started the same time as he was supposed to be going to MS school. He asked if he could start a couple of weeks later and the company said no. He had a decision to make, the job or the MS school. Well, the young brother decided to put Jehovah first and turned down the job, even though he had been trying for some time to get on there. He went on to MS school. The first day of the job had the taken it? 9/11. And the company was in one of the towers. Of course this is to impress upon everyone how important it is to put jehovah first and it will safeguard you.
I don't know if this actually was told at Bethel or even if the story is true, but I was instantly incensed. You mean God would kill up to 3000 people to prove a point in how it's better to go to MS school than it is to go to work? What about the 13 other JWs who lost their lives that day? Were they somehow less faithful than the brother who turned down the job? That story makes the rounds from time to time and I get mad each time I hear it. I used to ignore it, but now I jump in with both feet and argue about how insensitive that story is to those that did die and their families.