Watchtower Chronology suffers from weak logical links. After all, they start with an unproven premise and begin linking and linking and linking and suddenly they produce the rabbit out of the hat. 1914 is the rabbit
Daniel Chapter 4 tells about the 7 times of King Nebuchadnezzer. He is to become like a beast of the field during those 7 times. Let us count the links to get us to 1914.
PREMISE: Those 7 times are seven years of 360 days each.
1.The SEVEN times must represent SEVEN actual years for King Nebuchadnezzer to become a werewolf. (Lycanthrope)
2.The event actually happened
3.There is a a "greater" application of this prophecy.
4.The application of "a day for a year" applies to the 360 day years.
5.7x360=2,520 consequently the latter-day application =2,520 actual years
6.These years apply to a concept called The Gentile times and refers to the domination of Jerusalem by gentiles until the coming of Messiah's kingdom.
7.This event can be placed in history accurately to a time and place.
8.The beginning of this Gentile Times ocurred in 607 B.C.E. and ended in 1914 C.E.
How many other weak links can you spy?
THE WEAKEST LINK---fatal flaws in Watchtower Chronology
by Terry 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nathan Natas
Jeez, Terry, what a spot you put me in!
I hate to play "Franz's Advocate," but I think you are mistaken on two points:
4.The 7 times must be interpreted as thousand year days.
No, they're just supposed to follow the "day for a year" rule.
5. You have to multiply the (presumed) 360 day years by 7 (thousand)
360 x 7,000 = 2,520,000 That moves the events of 1914 out to the year 2,519,393...
Hey, wait a minute! You might be on to something here!
Jesus will return in the year 2,519,393!!!
We can go back to getting some shuteye on Saturday AND Sunday! YAY!
Have you ever been cooking breakfast..those little sausage links...and there is always that one that wants to stick to the pan and falls apart when you try to turn it?
mac, I hate that class!
Weak link: The Daniel account says the tree represents Nebuchadnezzar.
Weak link: Nowhere in the account does it mention the words "in the final part of the days .." or anything like that.
There is no such thing as a 360 day year.Through out human history the year has been 365 and a quater days.What has differed is the calculation of how long a year was. In times past when the length of a true year was unknown different nations had different lengths of years and leap years were incerted every now and then according to how far behind the true year they were falling. The Baylonians at some points in history used a 360 day year but used leap years of longer length as well to make up time when they fell behind.
In regard to my above post. The real point I should have made is they use a 360 day year to work out the length of the prophecy(with no basis) but then apply the prophecy over years of 365 and a quater days( 607-1914 consists of 365 and a quater length years with some variation). And yet they can't see the carn't just go changing the lenght of a year through the prophecy to suite your nrrds
Sorry about the spelling my edit control doesn't work.
WEAKEST LINKS logically in the Watchtower Society's chronology of end times.
In Daniel's chapter four prophecy he uses the expression: "seven times". This expression is applied to Nebuchadnezzer. This king of Babylonia would become a werewolf (lycanthrope) for seven years.
Watchtower application:
1.There is a latter day application to the prophecy in Daniel.
2.The application points to the destruction of Jerusalem.
3.That event happened in 607 B.C.E.
4.Those Gentile Times end in 1914 C.E.
5.Seven Times means seven years of 360 days each.
6.A "day for a year" applies to these 360 days.
7. Seven times 360=2,520 days for Nebuchadnezzer's werewolf mania.
8.A day for a year in the latter day fulfillment gives us 2,500 years for Gentile domination
(Never explain Watchtower chronology late at night after two glasses of wine!)
Nathan---thank you! I tried to correct my original post; but the system resists!
What is funny about my attempt to explain is that I THOUGHT I WAS EXPLAINING IT RIGHT in order to show how wrong it is!
I think it would be very amusing to ask any currently active JW to explain the links and see how accurate they could be. Would we be surprised?