The funny thing about this story is that the WOLF PACK is similar to the Watchtower and the farmer is similar to the rest of the civilized world.
For example:
1. As he turned his rifle toward a shadow he saw a puppy wolf huddling besides a fence post shivering. The farmer felt sorry for him, picked him up, tucked him inside his coat and took him home. -- When was the last time a witness helped anyone they saw in need with food clothing and shelter who WAS NOT ONE OF THEIR OWN? COnversely when was the last time you saw a church have a food / clothing drive.
2. They invited him to come on the other side of the fence with them. -- Generally speaking it is the witnesses who pull people away from their comfortable home situations where they are loved to run off in a secluded pack in a kingdom hall with them. To engage in activities that peopel are foreign to (service / meetings /shunning former friends)
3. It was such fun and he was glad for the choice he made. But winter came and everyone became hungry and restless. - Does this not describe the feeling most witnesses get when they begin to realize they are trapped in a religion that is oppressive and takes everything from them.
4. But the leader said, "You're one of us now, do as you're told!" - Who is more likely to make this statement??? The governing body or someone you know outside of this organization.
5. Wait, don't shoot me, I'm the puppy you raised. I'm your friend. Don't you remember me? - This sounds more like something someone would say to a witness parent when they are trying to recieve love from them after they have decided to leave the watchtower. I do not know many worldly parents who would turn their backs on their children because of religious diffs....
6. He raised his rifle and shot....BANG!!! The wolf was dead! -- More witness parents are willing to abandon their loved ones over appearances.
7. Brothers, when Armageddon comes and Jesus is doing his destruction work, will he recognize you" - So simplistic... beause Jesus would be confused by your outward appearance when he actually can read your heart and know works.
Again a crock of crap when looked at without the rose-colored glasses