Need Help - Looks like some one in my family got to know that we are fading...

by MissConfused 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MissConfused

    Letter from a close family member... Need help responding...

    What a powerful illustration of the affect that our choice of friends can have on us, especially if we leave Jehovah after being 'raised' by him from infancy!

    Pack of Wolves

    There was a farmer who raised sheep and had trouble with wolves stealing his sheep. He loved his sheep and didn't want to lose even one of them. One day the wolves came and the farmer quickly raised his rifle and POW! - killed every wolf he shot at. As he turned his rifle toward a shadow he saw a puppy wolf huddling besides a fence post shivering. The farmer felt sorry for him, picked him up, tucked him inside his coat and took him home.

    As time passed, the farmer grew to love the puppy wolf and took him every day to help him tend his sheep. The sheep loved the puppy wolf too and thought of him as one of them. The puppy wolf learned to call the sheep by their names, just like the farmer did.

    It wasn't long before he grew to full size and the farmer trusted him to care for his sheep while he rode to town to buy supplies. Then one day the puppy wolf was running in the farmer's field and heard howling in the woods. He ran to the edge of the fence and watched as a pack of wolves approached. They seemed happy to see him although he didn't recognize them. One by one they told him of all the fun they were having, running anywhere they wanted, doing whatever they pleased, no one telling them what to do! They invited him to come on the other side of the fence with them. The puppy wolf thought about the fence and how he'd never been on the other side of it. The more he listened he began to wonder if he was missing out on something. It only took another minute and he dug under the fence and left with the pack.

    For three seasons he lived with the wolves. They had plenty to eat and did whatever they wanted. It was such fun and he was glad for the choice he made. But winter came and everyone became hungry and restless. It was cold, so cold, where would they sleep. The puppy wolf began to think about the farmer and how he'd never slept cold and never felt hunger. Soon he heard the leader of the pack announce it was time to steal some of the farmer's sheep, so they could survive the winter. The puppy wolf loudly exclaimed, "NO, they are my friends, don't hurt them". But the leader said, "You're one of us now, do as you're told!" They all began to run fast toward the farmer's property. The puppy wolf reluctantly followed. Soon they arrived and began to dig under the farmer's fence. The farmer heard his sheep cry out so he grabbed his rifle and ran to shoot at the wolves. BANG! He killed one after another and soon was face to face with a wolf backed up against the fence post who cried out, "Wait, don't shoot me, I'm the puppy you raised. I'm your friend. Don't you remember me?" But the farmer looked at the wolf and saw how matted his coat was and how he smelled like the rest of the pack. He said to the wolf, "I don't know you." He raised his rifle and shot....BANG!!! The wolf was dead!

    Brother Mc... said that there was silence in the auditorium, and then the brother giving the talk said, "Brothers, when Armageddon comes and Jesus is doing his destruction work, will he recognize you"?

    Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are...

    Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are...

    Brother Mc... gave an illustration at this same assembly: Have you ever wondered how to describe how long FOREVER is? "If you could build a box one mile wide, one mile high and one mile deep and Jehovah told you to drop one grain of sand in the box every five hundred years.....when it will be filled....that would be the START of eternity"

    Isn't that something to think about? May we both be there to see the box filled!!!!

    "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever upon it." - Psalm 37:29

    "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever upon it." - Psalm 37:29

  • ILoveTTATT

    Wow... scare tactics!!


    Just... ignore?? Is that a possibility?

  • MissConfused

    I wish i could. But i want them out of this as well... Introduce to TTATT and CoC.. Finding hard.. :(

  • Hortensia

    A made-up little allegory like that isn't very convincing if you weigh it against all the evidence that the wtbts does NOT have the truth. Just tell your relative you want some facts, not some bullshit made-up allegory that they use to support their doctrine and to scare people.

    Facts, you want some facts. Anyone can make up little stories to support his point of view. It doesn't mean the story has anything to do with the actual issue at hand. I'm sure Hitler had some awesome little stories about what terrible things would happen if the Jews weren't wiped out. It didn't change the fact that what he was doing was evil. These dumb little "inspirational" stories are just scare tactics, and it doesn't change the fact that the wtbts is evil.

  • ILoveTTATT

    Hitler card? already??? LOL!

    That being said, Hortensia is right...


  • MissConfused

    Haa Hitler card is a good example to use i guess. Great advise Hortensia! Keep them coming..

  • OnTheWayOut

    Seriously, studies have shown that raising a wolf as a dog does not change that wolf into a dog. He is a wolf. When he grows out of being a puppy, he will not stand guard. He will kill those sheep if he is hungry.

    I would respond with the facts above and say, "No matter how much you try to mold me, I am not a mindless sheep. Your religion isn't about putting wolf characteristics behind, it's about not deciding for yourself how to think and feel and act about things. It's about consulting the Watchtower for rules on every aspect of life, way beyond the Bible. Your religion is about becoming blind sheep."

    Then I would go into some special aspect of the religion that bothers me. Mine would be how, one day in 1995, everybody had to suddenly accept that the "generation" wasn't those born before 1914, but wicked people. They said it was clear, but wait..... It's been changed a couple more times. It became a timeless group of people living to see all the aspects of the 'sign.' Then it became something even sillier than ever- an overlapping generation of the 1914 generation with a later generation that would see the end. "You gotta be a mindless sheep to accept those changes."

    But that's me.

  • Crazyguy

    Show him the May 3rd daily text of this year were they say Jesus is not your Messiah, that maybe a good starting point. Then maybe romans chapter 2 or 3 can't remember which one, were it states that if one lives a moral life then hes approved by god. This should start knocking holes in the idea of only one true religion and only one people. May also want to finish with luke 21;8 and just tell him your having issues and have decided to pray to God for knowledge and let the holy spirit guide you. There are scriptures that back this up so it will be hard for this person to go against that line of thinking.

  • exwhyzee

    The Farmer in this childish illustration, was trying to make the wolf puppy something that Jehovah (if he exists) didn't intend for him to be. Jehovah (if he exists) also didn't create sheep to be kept in a pen. Like all the other animals, they were originally free. It was sinful imperfect Man's idea to heard sheep because sheep once they realized how easy to capture and control they were. Once they had them under their control, they could fleece them and slaughter them much more efficiently.

  • OnTheWayOut

    exwhyzee is on fire with comments tonight. I would do whatever he says.

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