"Can't you try and find the GOOD in the Bible, and reject the BAD in it? There is always a silver lining...
For example: Do to others as you would like them to do to you. Love your neighbour. Love even your enemies (try, at least, to feel pity for them... there are very few people who can be categorized as pure evil, most are just deceived people or their problems make them do bad things)... Go and find friends, nice people. Go to a gym, get into college, make some friends!! Try to discern if you can trust a person or not, if someone is not worthy of your trust, then don't trust them!! "
At this point to read the bible is a waste. I spent 30+ years doing so. There were indeed items within that are nice. But most of those same gems can be found elsewhere in books that don't necessarily have such contradictory messages.
What is worse why do I really need to read the Golden Rule over and over again. It's like, after the first time I got it chief. The repetition seems unnecessary. I just can't force myself anymore to try to make something out of nothing. It also seems common sense to love everyone. Such is the case with most things in the bible. Common Sense would lead me to believe the same things.
I currently have a gym in my home, I am far too busy with my business at this moment to go back to school again - but I do read plenty non-religious materials in my spare time while smoking and drinking. I am currently making more friends as well and that is helpful!
I will say this... I like the Song of Solomon plenty cuz its a book of "FREAKTION"