First pick: Gary Oldmans soap!
Second pick: Roadie for Souxsie and the Banshees (I'M BEGGING YOU PLEASE COME BACK - STUFF THE CREATURES)
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
i really hate my job, and want to resign.
would really love to persue my dream job as a professional loafer, but i wonder how much it would pay?
but seriously, though i always wanted to write novels, be creative and artistic.
First pick: Gary Oldmans soap!
Second pick: Roadie for Souxsie and the Banshees (I'M BEGGING YOU PLEASE COME BACK - STUFF THE CREATURES)
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
i am so bummed yesterday i called this guy i know and asked him out, and he turned me down.
not just a polite "i'm busy" but he let me know that his relationship with someone just ended last month and he needs time to recover, he said " i am taking the rest of the year off from dating" (sounded to me like "don't bother to ask again")i didn't even know that he had been seeing someone in a serious relationship (the last time i ran into him was in early december).
we used to have had a few classes together and he always flirted with me.
Get yerself a man who'll actually appreciate you and then rub it in this guys face. He'll be so jealous...but then it'll be too late.
Then you can do the victory dance!!!!!
I'm so vindictive
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
i am so bummed yesterday i called this guy i know and asked him out, and he turned me down.
not just a polite "i'm busy" but he let me know that his relationship with someone just ended last month and he needs time to recover, he said " i am taking the rest of the year off from dating" (sounded to me like "don't bother to ask again")i didn't even know that he had been seeing someone in a serious relationship (the last time i ran into him was in early december).
we used to have had a few classes together and he always flirted with me.
Men! They neva appreciate what's in front of em until someone else says they want it......
Could just wring their necks.
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
i apologize in advance for this post, i was stoned and bored when i wrote it:.
1/ all yer dreams consist of the jw discussion, silent lambs and crisis of conscience icons.. 2/ when you greet people you say, h, e, l, l, o.. 3/ you spend countless hours trying to think up witty posts so everyone has a look and you get those little flamy things on the folder, cause this is all you live for and it makes you happy.. breath.
4/ hair, make-up, perfect - right, i'm ready to log on.. 5/ 24/7 is just not enough time to say everything you need to say.. 6/ you use up yer 2 posts and 20 reply's in 2.35 minutes.. 7/ you complain constantly to simon, bombarding him with emails demanding yer own forum thread dedicated to all yer witty responses.. 8/ yer will stipulates a full time assistant is to be hired to do all your posting for you when you kark it.
I see we have the same agenda Ofcmad - reaching jedi status in record time.....I'm getting my arse kicked by Beck though!
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
i apologize in advance for this post, i was stoned and bored when i wrote it:.
1/ all yer dreams consist of the jw discussion, silent lambs and crisis of conscience icons.. 2/ when you greet people you say, h, e, l, l, o.. 3/ you spend countless hours trying to think up witty posts so everyone has a look and you get those little flamy things on the folder, cause this is all you live for and it makes you happy.. breath.
4/ hair, make-up, perfect - right, i'm ready to log on.. 5/ 24/7 is just not enough time to say everything you need to say.. 6/ you use up yer 2 posts and 20 reply's in 2.35 minutes.. 7/ you complain constantly to simon, bombarding him with emails demanding yer own forum thread dedicated to all yer witty responses.. 8/ yer will stipulates a full time assistant is to be hired to do all your posting for you when you kark it.
I'm just so do want to play with me! Joy!!!
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
i apologize in advance for this post, i was stoned and bored when i wrote it:.
1/ all yer dreams consist of the jw discussion, silent lambs and crisis of conscience icons.. 2/ when you greet people you say, h, e, l, l, o.. 3/ you spend countless hours trying to think up witty posts so everyone has a look and you get those little flamy things on the folder, cause this is all you live for and it makes you happy.. breath.
4/ hair, make-up, perfect - right, i'm ready to log on.. 5/ 24/7 is just not enough time to say everything you need to say.. 6/ you use up yer 2 posts and 20 reply's in 2.35 minutes.. 7/ you complain constantly to simon, bombarding him with emails demanding yer own forum thread dedicated to all yer witty responses.. 8/ yer will stipulates a full time assistant is to be hired to do all your posting for you when you kark it.
Three posts each please. That should ignite it!!!!!!!
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
i apologize in advance for this post, i was stoned and bored when i wrote it:.
1/ all yer dreams consist of the jw discussion, silent lambs and crisis of conscience icons.. 2/ when you greet people you say, h, e, l, l, o.. 3/ you spend countless hours trying to think up witty posts so everyone has a look and you get those little flamy things on the folder, cause this is all you live for and it makes you happy.. breath.
4/ hair, make-up, perfect - right, i'm ready to log on.. 5/ 24/7 is just not enough time to say everything you need to say.. 6/ you use up yer 2 posts and 20 reply's in 2.35 minutes.. 7/ you complain constantly to simon, bombarding him with emails demanding yer own forum thread dedicated to all yer witty responses.. 8/ yer will stipulates a full time assistant is to be hired to do all your posting for you when you kark it.
Farkel: The olive branch has been accepted - thanx hun!
Beck: Want some of my mulie bar and a popper?
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
i apologize in advance for this post, i was stoned and bored when i wrote it:.
1/ all yer dreams consist of the jw discussion, silent lambs and crisis of conscience icons.. 2/ when you greet people you say, h, e, l, l, o.. 3/ you spend countless hours trying to think up witty posts so everyone has a look and you get those little flamy things on the folder, cause this is all you live for and it makes you happy.. breath.
4/ hair, make-up, perfect - right, i'm ready to log on.. 5/ 24/7 is just not enough time to say everything you need to say.. 6/ you use up yer 2 posts and 20 reply's in 2.35 minutes.. 7/ you complain constantly to simon, bombarding him with emails demanding yer own forum thread dedicated to all yer witty responses.. 8/ yer will stipulates a full time assistant is to be hired to do all your posting for you when you kark it.
Touche Ofcmad!!!
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
i apologize in advance for this post, i was stoned and bored when i wrote it:.
1/ all yer dreams consist of the jw discussion, silent lambs and crisis of conscience icons.. 2/ when you greet people you say, h, e, l, l, o.. 3/ you spend countless hours trying to think up witty posts so everyone has a look and you get those little flamy things on the folder, cause this is all you live for and it makes you happy.. breath.
4/ hair, make-up, perfect - right, i'm ready to log on.. 5/ 24/7 is just not enough time to say everything you need to say.. 6/ you use up yer 2 posts and 20 reply's in 2.35 minutes.. 7/ you complain constantly to simon, bombarding him with emails demanding yer own forum thread dedicated to all yer witty responses.. 8/ yer will stipulates a full time assistant is to be hired to do all your posting for you when you kark it.
I apologize in advance for this post, I was stoned and bored when I wrote it:
1/ All yer dreams consist of the jw discussion, Silent Lambs and Crisis of Conscience icons.
2/ When you greet people you say, H, E, L, L, O.
3/ You spend countless hours trying to think up witty posts so everyone has a look and you get those little flamy things on the folder, cause this is all you live for and it makes you happy.
4/ Hair, make-up, perfect - right, I'm ready to log on.
5/ 24/7 is just not enough time to say EVERYTHING you need to say.
6/ You use up yer 2 posts and 20 reply's in 2.35 minutes.
7/ You complain constantly to Simon, bombarding him with emails demanding yer own forum thread dedicated to all yer witty responses.
8/ Yer will stipulates a full time assistant is to be hired to do all your posting for you when you kark it.
9/ You spend thousands of dollars a year on therapy cause no one will reply to any of you posts: "Doc, it's just like being back in the schoolyard, no one would play with me, sob!".
Wanna add anything....
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
does anyone else here within this community have interests in psychological profiling?.
For years I've studied profiles of Serial Killers...their sickness fascinates me! The fact that most have similar upbringings is a very scary shake into reality - the predictability of man...and the not so!
Luv it....
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room