I am so bummed yesterday I called this guy I know and asked him out, and he turned me down. Not just a polite "I'm busy" but he let me know that his relationship with someone just ended last month and he needs time to recover, he said " I am taking the rest of the year off from dating" (sounded to me like "don't bother to ask again")I didn't even know that he had been seeing someone in a serious relationship (the last time I ran into him was in early December). We used to have had a few classes together and he always flirted with me. I feel so regected. Yeah I know that you men are always saying that you have to deal with this all the time. Man I am sorry, cause it really does suck. I felt so stupid I didn't even tell any of my friends about it but I need to get it out of my system so instead I post it on the world wide web and we probably still can't even edit posts so if I regret even admitting this it will be too late. I know some of you may feel like I am being over dramatic and I realize that their are many more serious issues in the world, so I will try not to dwell on it. I really am trying to put it in perspective but OUCH.
a guy turned me down for a date
by hungry4life 31 Replies latest jw friends
Editing is back...
You're too good for the likes of him anyway.
Go out w/ his best friend, get the rat jealous.
Post your pic and we'll tell you if you're "dateable"!
Seriously though....I know the feeling...been there, been rejected too! Oh well...
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada -
Hungry...sorry you hadda experience that. However, I do believe it was better than accepting the invite, possibly leading towards a serious relationship, then pulling the rug out from under you once he realized it was a "rebound relationship."
Count yourself lucky in a sense, he was upfront about NOT starting something he wasnt ready for.And YES, we guys kinda go through rejection often. Thats why we ask 10 girls out in the same month, LOL. Imagine our surprise when MORE than 1 accepts!! Some knuckleheads then proceed to take different girls to the same "spot", i.e., bar or club and get BUSTED. LOL (NOT speaking from personal experience o that last comment, though. My momma didnt raise no dummies. LOL)
Try not to take it too hard though-you are free to find some who has a handle on his issues.
Boozy -
Men! They neva appreciate what's in front of em until someone else says they want it......
Could just wring their necks.
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
hungry4life...plenty more fish in the sea baby!!! Throw out your line...and see what you drag in. Do you use icq, msn or yahoo?? I met Andy over the internet...and for some reason you don't get those reject fears when you become friends via the net. Its quite different...you can become really good friends before any intimate stuff develops.
If I were you, I wouldn't give this guy a second thought...he's probably very nice and quite a dish...but if he's using issues from a previous relationship as an excuse...then he's not worth losing sleep over I reckon.
Chin up girl...don't be down. Go out and get yourself a good fishing rod...ICQ is a pretty good brand lol.
Get yerself a man who'll actually appreciate you and then rub it in this guys face. He'll be so jealous...but then it'll be too late.
Then you can do the victory dance!!!!!
I'm so vindictive
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
WoW Violet. I would hate to piss you off!! Then again, you might just send me to your room!! [8>]
I need to correct myself...when I said you don't get those reject feelings over the net...well thats not entirely true. You do still suffer rejection via the net...and it can be just as crushing. But you have more options...and you can become quite 'picky and choosy' even if you're pig dog ugly lol...I mean look at me...I scored. I forgot to mention that you need to be careful, there are some precautions you need to take as well.
Amen Violet!!!!!! Thats just how I feel. Been there, done that. Didn't even want the damn T-shirt lol.
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.