I have been wondering lately why JWs are so against Christmas anyway. I was doing some research the other day
on the history of many of our "worldly" traditions and was suprised to find out that even wedding ceremonies have their
own "bad" background. It seems that during early wedding ceremonies, the ushers and bridesmaids all wore clothing that
was similar, (as is done today), because it was believed that the evil spirits would not be able to distinguish them from the
bride and groom, who were supposed to be protected from evil on their wedding day. Also, the bridal bouquet was filled with
herbs and different flowers to ward off the evil spirits as well. Even the tradition of having ushers and groomsmen was for
making sure the bride did not run away as marriages were sometimes forced by kidnappings, and the groom had his men
to make sure the bride did not leave.
This is all so interesting to me mainly because the JWs emphasize avoiding anything even remotely tied to pagansism or
anything "demonic" of any kind. How can JWs pick and choose? If Christmas is so wrong, than why would they allow
traditional wedding ceremonies to take place in their KHs? I know this is sort of to the extreme reasoning maybe on my part, but
to me, if they are going to play by their own rules, come on!!! I even researched Mothers Day, Fathers Day, and Thanksgiving,
and could not find anything negative about any of them. So, why are the JWs so against holidays anyway? What is their big
beef? Is it just to make a statement for the sake of being different? Take birthdays even. If you, as a JW, are allowed to observe
the birth of your marriage, than why not the birth of your child? How on earth is this taking anything away from God? How is it
even a disrespect to him?? I really do not understand their line of reasoning anymore, it is not consistent. Sure, alot of our
customs are rooted in paganism, but everything had a beginning somewhere in this world, you could go on infinitly about
where something began. But why does that have to affect the meaning of something today??? Especially when it no longer
even resembles what the pagans did.
So, what do you think about these issues????
Just my commentary.