Look at all the people in the Bethel Christmas photograph.
What did they accomplish with their lives?
throwing a bone to my fellow jehovah's witnesses needing help defending the teaching god picked the watchtower back in 1919. just trying to make your life easier with a simple explanation, no more complex doctrines, ok.. http://witforjesus.org/images/jwarticles/jwparadox.jpg.
Look at all the people in the Bethel Christmas photograph.
What did they accomplish with their lives?
Hi. No, I am not Dutch.
I actually found the link to the BubbelBal video on the Yahoo.co.jp Japanese web page.
among the inane fb comments i've come across about the agm, this one stood out as more inane than the most enthusiastic jw slobbering:.
"before we start taking about what happened at the agm we must be absolutely certain that all the meetings are over.
make sure that we are obedient in the small things ago that we will be obedient in the big things.
Defintion o fslander (noun).
1. Law Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.
2. A false and malicious statement or report about someone.
Many JWs do not understad the meaning of the word.
They think ANY negative statement about a person is slander even if it is true.
at the meeting this week, there was a part about placing our trust in jehovah and not worrying about food and shelter (mat 6:33).
the part was based on the 2013 yearbook p138 and 139 where there were two examples:.
a family went to their convention leaving their chickens unattended for a number of days, worried about if they would survive.
Anthony Morris told this chicken story at a convention.
Apparently Anthony Morris enjoys telling anecdotal stories that sound like they could have come from the "Weekly World News."
at the meeting this week, there was a part about placing our trust in jehovah and not worrying about food and shelter (mat 6:33).
the part was based on the 2013 yearbook p138 and 139 where there were two examples:.
a family went to their convention leaving their chickens unattended for a number of days, worried about if they would survive.
"turns out 19 were missing when they came back"?
Is it being implied that the 19 chickens had vanished and could not be found?
Perhaps the 19 chickens simply evaporated?
The experience should have been written like this:
"A family went to their convention leaving their chickens unattended for a number of days, worried about if they would survive. Turns out 19 were found dead they came back."
But that would have change the tone of the story.
Proverbs 12:10 is appropriate here.
"The righteous one is caring for the soul of his domestic animal, but the mercies of the wicked ones are cruel."
So those JWs that left their animals to die so they could attend a convention, did they care for the souls of their domestic animals?
Were they righteous, or were they wicked and cruel?
brother of the hawk, newly enlightened & gojira, recorded an elder's meeting on 5/7/03.
both does a great job of defending me and making the elders look foolish!.
thank you raypublisher/jj and jwstruggle for the awesome job you did on it.. follow up story was not recorded but we will post it here hopefully over the weekend.. enjoy, it's pretty hilarious how they try to control us and come after me on a work of fiction!.
Now the video is being taken down because someone complained to Youtube!
The JW elders really don't want people to know how they behave!
among the inane fb comments i've come across about the agm, this one stood out as more inane than the most enthusiastic jw slobbering:.
"before we start taking about what happened at the agm we must be absolutely certain that all the meetings are over.
make sure that we are obedient in the small things ago that we will be obedient in the big things.
what was this "negativity" that this JW says she saw?
the awake magazine quoted the physicist p.a.m dirac while discussing how the periodic law of the elements gives evidence for the existence of a designer.. g00 8/22 pp.
5-9 peering into the unseenwhat is revealed?.
a close study of the elements and how they fit together to form everything in the universe caused famous physicist p.a.m. dirac, who was a professor of mathematics at cambridge university, to say: one could perhaps describe the situation by saying that god is a mathematician of a very high order, and he used very advanced mathematics in constructing the universe.. the quotation originally appeared in the may 1963 issue of scientific american in an article entitled "the evolution of the physicists picture of nature," and may be read online at this address:.
I vaguely remember scene in a film produced by the Watchotwer showing some Bethelites clipping articles from newspapers and magazines for the writing deparment.
Anyone else remember seeing that?
the awake magazine quoted the physicist p.a.m dirac while discussing how the periodic law of the elements gives evidence for the existence of a designer.. g00 8/22 pp.
5-9 peering into the unseenwhat is revealed?.
a close study of the elements and how they fit together to form everything in the universe caused famous physicist p.a.m. dirac, who was a professor of mathematics at cambridge university, to say: one could perhaps describe the situation by saying that god is a mathematician of a very high order, and he used very advanced mathematics in constructing the universe.. the quotation originally appeared in the may 1963 issue of scientific american in an article entitled "the evolution of the physicists picture of nature," and may be read online at this address:.
Concerning the Awake! article in which the writer wrongly stated that P.A.M. studied the periodic table of the elements before being led to the conclusion that "God is a Mathematician," I am going to venture that the Awake writers have a collection of quotations made by various people on various topics, and when they are writing an article, they simply refer to this collection and copy the quotations they need from it.
So the Awake! writer does not need to read the original article from where the quote was taken, he just takes what he needs from the quotation folder.
However, this opens the door for mistakes to be made, as the writer does not know the original context, and might make up their own context for it in order to make the quote fit with what they are writing, as this particular instance shows.