Once upon a time when we lived in a small rural congregation with only one pioneer (and she was an anointed sister sent there by the wts), a family member and I decided we would try to support her efforts and submitted our pio applications. While waiting to be approved, we did 100+ hours just to see if we could. The weather was good and we had the time that summer/fall, so it was kinda fun. Well, the eldubs never got back to us and when we asked about our applications, they told us that they weren't sure we could do the hours. Right.... btw, before we stepped it up, our regular hours were 40-50. So then they said, well if you can keep up the hours then we'll announce you in January. So they made us be reg aux pios for four months instead.
Turns out the real reason they held us back was so the p.o. could be announced at the same time. They apparently didn't want us to take any of his "glory." We kept it up for years....he was deleted as an elder about a year later.
Things that make you go....sigh....lol