Great thread, saving to read again.
JoinedPosts by cultBgone
Things to understand about talking to a Jehovah's Witness...
by drew sagan inplease note that everything i write here is within the context of discussions between two witnesses.
conversations between a jw and non jw are different in a number of ways and so i will not be discussing them here.
the 'running ahead' fallacy.
by Ranchette infinally, after almost a month, i get a response from my mother about the un.
for those who didnt see her original letter and my response, just click on the sheet of paper icon in my profile and you can catch up on this.. i will place my comments in italics and names will be replaced in parentheses.. .
dear ranchette,.
So sad. I am so happy that I got out in time to show my children unconditional Love. I wish that for Ranchette and all others as well! (((((all)))))
Dressing down for the Cult Cart work
by cantleave ini have just read on another post that those brothers and sisters manning the cult carts are meant to be fully suited and booted, i have seen the brothers wearing jumpers instead of jackets.
is the dress code monitored?.
I'm still trying to understand how those US Southern accents (think the Carolinas) descended from the Scots and Irishmen who settled there. It's a stretch....
I've heard the term "jumper" for years, and know it means sweater. And I understand that a sweater can make you sweat, but can a jumper make you jump?
Just worn out
by EmptyInside ini thought it best i stay a lurker.
it's just right now, i'm going through some doubts and just plain discouraged.
sometimes, trying to do everything just wears me out, and i feel like i'm suffocating.
MissFit, nice choice. This was a good read and very encouraging.
My JW Mom came for an impromptu visit yesterday. It went great! :)
by Faithful Witness init is so nice to start actually believing that my mom wants to have a relationship with me and my kids again.
there was awhile, where it was in question, and she wasn't sure if she was supposed to associate with us or not.
i think the stand that my sister has taken against me, is actually causing my mom to start doubting whether it is a good idea to follow this cruel example of "love" as defined by the watchtower.
FW, sounds as if you had a great conversation with your Mom, nicely done! Let's all hope the scales begin to fall off her eyes little by little with your loving assistance. :)
Great campagne in Portugal (ex-JW)
by TJ Curioso ini like to tell you what we've been doing these past few days here in portugal (ex-jw).
we create a brochure and printing, so we can send to the maximum of congregations in portugal.
some individuals were also covered in this campaign.. the title of the pamphlet is: "when will the kingdom arrive?".
TJ, this is a great thing you and your friends have done!
If even ONE jw wakes up to ttatt because of this, then the cost and efforts are well worth it!
WT Society's Paranoia Over Spiral Binding of Elder's Textbook - Crazy
by flipper inthis letter was sent as an addendum to the elders regarding their latest elders textbook.
i think you'll find this interesting and also disconcerting as well.. to all bodies of elders.
re: spiral binding of shepherding textbook.
One thing about this site that bothers me
by keyser soze inthe constant references to 'window washers' as something derogatory.. i understand the context of it-that most jws are uneducated, and unqualified to do much more.
but sometimes the references seem snobbish, almost mean-spirited.
one poster, on another thread, essentially referred to window washers as 'losers'.
I havent read all five pages of posts, and I'm no fan of name-calling, but I think the term window-washer has never been used here to demean anyone personally. Rather it's an indication of job limits forced on well-meaning people by the mean-spirited sobs who run the wt org for the money.
Truth is, you let people go to college and they not only qualify for jobs with benefits...but they learn how to think for themselves and of course then see the wts for the large scam it truly is.
New to The Jehovahs Witness Faith and need some help
by jnjburkett inhello there i am new to the faith and have been studying for about a month.
i am very excited and hungry for the truth and have not missed a meeting or study since the memorial.
we do about 2 bible studies a week.
NeverKnew, I must agree with your observations. This person is a troll but no one would know what that means ordinarily. This phony outed himself or herself...what a bunch is bs. You'd think the jw Elders had better things to do with their time, yes?
ELDER BOOK to be HANDED OVER to Min.of Justice (FINLAND)
by RagingBull injehovah's witnesses to hand over top-secret manualon friday finland's jehovah's witnesses will give their religious rule book to the minister of justice and the minister of the interior so that it can be inspected to ensure that it's in line with finnish rule of law.
jehovah's witnesses will hand over their secret rule book to the minister of justice, anna-maja henriksson, and the minister of the interior, paivi rasanen.
image: heikki saukkomaa / lehtikuva until now, only senior members of the jehovahs witnesses committee have had access to the congregation's secret book of rules.. the disciplinary activities of the jehovah's witnesses committee have been criticised for violating human rights.. according to anna-maja henriksson, finland's minister of justice, the purpose of the handover is to examine the book and determine whether its rules and regulations run counter to finnish law.. henriksson and interior minister paivi rasanen met on thursday with the leadership of the jehovah's witnesses in helsinki.
Raging, I thought the same thing about the "public" copy of the handbook...will be interesting to see the fallout though. This might just start the ball rolling downhill to crush the org in some countries. No more religious exemption and then high taxes, so perhaps they've seen this coming and are ramping up the funds for that too, not just molestation cases.