If it weren't for family still in...it would be so easy!
But the longer I'm out, the easier it is to remind myself that I'm in charge, not them. Still a work in progress but getting better most every day.
this seems to be a real worry for 'faders' on a number of threads.
the responses to ducati's first posting.
is a good example.
If it weren't for family still in...it would be so easy!
But the longer I'm out, the easier it is to remind myself that I'm in charge, not them. Still a work in progress but getting better most every day.
confidential letter child abuse http://adf.ly/auxbu.
to all bodies of elders.
the congregation secretary should arrange for this letter to be retained in the congregation permanent file of policy letters.
From first-hand experience: they don't care one whit about the victim or the victim's family.
They want it kept quiet locally, they don't want the police informed, and they don't want the victim's family to tell anyone in the congregation.
The long-term abusers are protected by the phony 2-witness rule while little children are molested over and over again. No consideration is given to the damage that is done to them.
Hateful organization deserves to be monetarily cleaned out and then shut down.
quite a few here on jwn seem to have grown and developed in leaps and bounds, sometimes beyond their wildest dreams.. others seem to still be struggling.. what do you think makes it possible to flourish?.
the degree to which our mind has been liberated from watchtower thinking?.
if so, this seems to happen in many different ways, so what is the secret?.
Vanderhoven makes a valid point...it's one thing to leave the borg in your twenties, with the energy of youth and a world of possibiities in front of you. It's altogether different if you are at an age of retirement but have no retirement funds, and perhaps no longer have a mate. Two very different perspectives in which to "flourish" or "languish".
Using the broad stroke is not always valid as economic status, health conditions, abuse, family situations, etc. are different for each person.
Hmmm, sounds familiar:
This is the other dominant factor we see in dangerous sociopaths: An odd obsession with dead things, rotting things, putrid things... things that would cause a normal, mentally balanced person to shrink away in horror.
Jim Jones was a master at invoking spiritual concepts and presenting himself as spiritually evolved.
Reminds me of the armageddon drawings in the wt books and mags....so disgusting and violent, with the phony-happy jw family calmly walking off into "paradiseā¢".
And the rev. Jones could have been a gb member..
i was outraged at this and had to post it.. http://jehovahswitnessreport.com/blog/jw-refuses-to-provide-wedding-stationery-to-gay-couple.
i think she is a hypocrite and i bet she sells her invites to fornicators, or does she ask them if they are having sex before marrige, before she takes their money?.
i was never like this when i was a jw, it's even more disturbing that she is going to ask her elders what to do.
Let's hope more and more articles like this are published to show the extreme brainwashing of the jw cult. Did she also ask her elders about starting her business, or how to run it? And you're right, I'm sure she doesn't ask her customers if they've fornicated as that would also be against her beliefs...or would it? She'd have to ask her elders...
a loud get well grace from all of us to you.
everyone, grace has been in and out of the hospital and i'm sure she would love to read your get wells.
we miss you grace:) wish i could post pictures.
Any updates on Grace? Please tell her she's missed by her Gang and we send her lots of love.
Good for you, Quelly, you've opened the eyes of your friends and opened the door for public awareness of this horrible practice. Let's hope it spreads throughout your community, and elsewhere!
to start off, i'm not saying this happens, or doesn't.
i'm just a bit confused on the subject, and what you guys are always talking about.
what exactly is it with the wt on the issue of child abuse?
LisaRose, yours is the best clarification I've ever seen, thanks for writing it. You should copy and paste that in an editorial to your local newspaper.
ok in the effort of full disclosure, i have had a couple of drinks and recently experienced a circuit assembly and a bad experience with a co.. i don't know where to effing begin.
first of all the circuit assembly was a joke.
half the assembly was about pioneering and selling your soul to be a no-pay salesman for the borg.
Villagegirl, you are absolutely correct about this:
Those poor pioneers, when they hit 55 years old and realize they have wasted their life and will live in poverty in retirement
and will work till they die. It pretty much just sucks. BUT on the positive side, I AM OUT and don't live the LIE anymore. What a relief!
made me laugh out loud..... .
Definitely the funniest thing I've read in awhile....THANKS for sharing!!!