Sir82, you crack me up.
JoinedPosts by cultBgone
Silence after stating my confusion about "144,000"
by tidalblitz inthe other night, i was told about a question that a friend's bible study had asked them.
the bible study asked: "if jesus is perfect, why does he need the 144,000 to help him rule?
" this friend does not know how to answer this question.
Not willing to meet with Elders? DF?
by thedepressedsoul inif a person says that they are not willing to meet with the elders or does not meet with them, will that get them df'ed?
there is a rumor about a person who has left the truth (went inactive) about being imoral.
they do not have the 2 person witness so they can't take actions because of this.
Feeling all the L O V E ? ? ? Naaaahhhh. Nothing but power-tripping impotent sad sacks who get upset when they aren't worshipped.
LURKERS, you all need to take a vacation from the meetings and let the blood flow back into your brains so they are working more normally. This is NOT a religion and there is no way that those of you believing Jesus is God's Son can POSSIBLY believe he would approve of the way people are (mis)treated by this organization to which you've sworn your loyalty. God has NOTHING to do with it, please WAKE UP!
Why is shunning wrong?
by noonehome inconsider an example i often hear.
youre sitting at a dinner table.
the topic of conversation is regarding your mother.
It's one thing if we choose not to hang out with a person because we don't care for their traits or personality. Who among us never changed our service group to avoid spending hours with bro-bad-breath or sis-gossips-alot? Who among us doesn't have a neighbor with whom we don't socialize because we run in different circles? That's normal human behavior. You might deep-down love your auntie but not enjoy her company, right?
It's another thing altogether if we are effectively FORCED to shun that person because we are in fear of being shunned ourselves. THAT is the fear and mind control used by the jws to keep people in line.
Just plain EVIL.
Watchtower Victims Memorial Day July 26
by Londo111 ini see this is two days away...i don't have anything planned, but im open to ideas.. anybody participating in this?
if so, what are you doing?.
Anyone planning to gather in Florida? PM me please.
How much did the other countries pay for the 1000 kingdom halls in the philippines!
by StephaneLaliberte inref:
while looking at the article one thousand kingdom halls and counting on, it immediately made me think: ahhh, this is where a large portion of the funds for the construction projects must go.
clearly, the philippinos are all poor and they need the financial support of richer countries.
What ADCMShirley said.
This supposed growth in the wt numbers can be easily explained this way:
Once upon a time, jws BOASTED that THEY were the only ones who DID NOT COUNT everyone who was baptized. (This is similar to the lie about voluntary contributions.) They bragged that the only ones included in their member count were those who were actively "preaching" (which explains why they made the 15-minute provision for infirm and elderly ones).
NOW, as it's been reported by several on this site, elders have explained that THEY COUNT INACTIVE ONES in their totals. Back-room accounting where the numbers twist and turn in the wind like whirlygigs...
So just another reason, perhaps, to consider a formal DA or DF as it removes you from the already twisted numbers of the borg's braglist.
Thanks, Focus, I've bookmarked your list.
Thedog1, your fog is beginning to lift and it will be uncomfortable for awhile, BUT it will clear! You will go through stages of grief/confusion/anger but ultimately you will find happiness and peace. It's a journey with a pleasant outcome, even if all in your family don't pursue it. There's something to be said for knowing yourself and finding inner harmony. Hang in there!
Denmark Assembly Hall and 7 KH for sale
by Viva la Vida inthis is the real estate page:
So there is no downside to moving to Denmark.
A quick glance at the photos appeared to show a guardhouse at the entrance road...and a wishing well on one of the properties. Hmmm....
Your most DISTURBING WATCHTOWER Bethel/Branch experience? (No full names please)
by Balaamsass inok.. you 70 plus bethelite members.... this is your chance to share stories!
inquiring minds want to know !no full names please..follow t.o.s.
to avoid borg libel lawsuits).. i will start the ball rolling with week one.
Amazing thread.
BOE 2014-07-13 Appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants
by WatchTower87 in2014-07-13 appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servantsto all bodies of elders.
the link removed by request is also available at the forms link.
the congregation secretary should arrange for this letter to be retained in the congregation permanent file of policy letters.
There was a "ministerial servant" in our cong who repeatedly molested quite a number of small children and then he fled without his family when one of his victims spoke up. When I challenged an eldumb as to why background checks weren't done, I was told that they trusted the "brothers" to be honest about these matters.
This ms had been in prison for raping his stepdaughter. His wife stayed with him and apparently covered over his crimes. Neither was ever df'd and he was given a memorial service in a k hall when he died.
That's how much eldumbs and the gb care about children and molesters.
Dad called on my birthday
by StAnn intoday is my birthday.
i'm beyond caring about birthdays (i'm 51) but my dad, who is a non-jw married to my crazy jw mother, usually doesn't acknowledge us kids on our birthdays so as not to piss off my mom.
actually, he has never acknowledged my birthday.
Happy, happy birthday!!!