Rado obviously made way too much sense for them. Kudos to him for helping to expose the hypocrisy!
Thanks for posting!
silenced the rado vleugel storyposted on july 27, 2014 by lee elder.
my name is rado vleugel.
Rado obviously made way too much sense for them. Kudos to him for helping to expose the hypocrisy!
Thanks for posting!
this is one we can all relate to.
i was suprised by the reporters comments about losing his freedoms and how others were easily conditioned by propaganda.
Isn't it amazing how it takes continuous effort to keep falsehoods and propaganda inside people's minds...yet things you recognize to be true stay with you without constant repetition.
Thanks for sharing this, truly an interesting read.
is it a feeling of---oh no!!?.
are you happy to see them?.
do you have a feeling of consternation?.
Don't see them around much as there are no areas for them to place their stands near my workplace. Never see them out shopping or dining.
Mostly I feel sad that they are wasting their lives.
Still haven't answered the door for elders but maybe in the future...naaah, I won't. Would just be a waste of my time and energy as they don't give a whit about me personally and never did. I was only useful as a pioneer dumb enough to have kids pioneering too.
good article.
do you know any psychopaths?.
Great, my ex is a solid 28 (with me being generous). I'm a 3.
jehovah's witness congregration lodges appeal with charity tribunal over statutory inquiry.
25 july 2014 by sam burne james, 3 comments.
the manchester new moston congregation of jehovah's witnesses challenges the decision of the charity commission to open the inquiry over safeguarding issues and trustees' compliance with charity law.
my wife is again in salt lake city for her convention.
i was wondering how many days are they now?
use to be four when i last attended.
Darth, thanks for the chuckle! But you shouldn't have posted this, because you know it will show up in someone's talk preceded by "It Has Been Reported That".
Yes, and Oscar winning director, Martin Scorsese was shown a clip of Friday's drama on an airplane by a JW sitting next to him and he said "I wish I could produce and direct movies as good as the WTBT$ does. My movies suck in comparison."
charles taze russell was chosen by god jehovah to reveal to mankind the way to salvation in this time of the end.. charles taze russell embarks on a public speaking program that takes him all over the world with him giving lectures in many countrys .. my question to jehovahs witnesses : was that holy spirit , inspired revelations that he gave ?
was that new light from jehovah ?
new truths ?.
Funny, we used to get quizzed to be sure we knew all the names of the wt prez past and current (and in order). We were also supposed to know the names of everyone on the gb and the teachers at gilead.
I studied in the red 'paradise' book and it seemed like the Cliff Notes version of the blue 'truth' book. Then we had the 'knowledge' book which went over like a bomb because it was still too "difficult" and finally 'what does the bibble really teach' which is just pablum mixed with baloney.
The wt mag used to present an opportunity for "research" but I understand that is now frowned upon, as you are only supposed to parrot back the words like someone being taught a language for the first time.
No wonder the newer dubbies are wt-history dumb. They've never received anything substantial to chew on.
for crying out loud - it was just a typo - millions now living will never diet.
oh wow..... the public talk today is certainly embarrassing for witnesses!.
started (completely left field too...seemed to come out of nowhere) with condemning homosexuality, and anyone who even tolerates it.
if you like tv shows or movies with gay characters, you are "just as bad" (eg modern family tv show).
Sounds as if Homophobia is alive and thriving in dub land, so sorry you had to be exposed to that nonsense. Pity the poor gay or lesbian child of any elder in the borg.
in my area the general sense is bleak.
many are in survival mode.
even at the convention the appearance of the majority was unhappy and tired.
I've heard more about young ones in their 20s going late, walking around and visiting, leaving for lunch, wandering the upper decks, then leaving early.
At least they can tell daddy elder they went, huh?