WTFree, thanks for the laughs on this lovely Sunday morning!
JoinedPosts by cultBgone
Are JEhovah's Witnesses reaching out to the Gay community ?
by Watchtower-Free in.
apostate & ex-jehovalarious meme collection.
New Bethel Facility - Fort Lauderdale Remote Translation Office (RTO)
by daniel-p inhey all, it's been a long time since i've posted anything here.
this may be of interest to some people, or not.
and i'm not sure if this has been announced in the congregations, even, because thankfully i have not attended any meetings in quite some time.
Yes, and now the Sign Language Idols brothers will be closer to their large adoring sign language congs. Everyone knows the names and details of the ones who perform on the sign language videos. You should see the way the dubs crowd around them at conventions...if they could, the dubs would be taking selfies with them and getting autographs. No lie. It's a bizarro world in jdub sign language. Just sayin...
Oh, wait! You've seen the masturbation video. Never mind.
Why Do Witnesses Promote A Unhealthy Lifestyle, My COBE weighs 340lbs (5ft 7in).
by BucketShopBill inplease don't take this the wrong way if your battling weight problems, that's not what this thread is meant to talk about.
i am asking this question because jehovah's witnesses claim they have "the best way of life", "god's blessing", "the truth" and are trying to change the habits of healthy people by turning them in to their own makings.
i watched people who were great athletes turn all their muscle in to fat because we would get a elder or circuit overseer make remarks they were spending too much time "working out" and "bodily training is beneficial for little".
They want the co's to be healthy so none of their Precious Money is "wasted" on health care.
They want the dubs unhealthy so they view paradise (coming soon to a banquet table near you) as their only hope for the future. Used to be, they'd mention Gluttony but I think they've taken it off the table.
Fresh Newcomer
by Yondaime inhi guys, my name is yondaime,.
my will to remain in this relgious sect is fading, i'm about to be a freshman(just turned 18) in college.
, i have seen so many terrible things happen to good people in this cult and i'm sick of it!
So happy you've made the right choice to pursue a happy life, and kudos to your dad. Be sure to tell him he's your hero! Looking forward to many more of your posts.
Are we nitpicking???
by jam injw's walk like this, they eat this way, they look like this,.
they have sex this way (lol), they talk this way and etc.. are we excessively concerned with or critical of inconsequential.
Not necessarily nitpicking...more like microbursts of venting. I think at some point we all run out of steam because they're just not that interesting anymore. But everyone vents at their own pace, so enjoy!
And you have to admit, so much of the behavior is just nutty that it's still hard to believe We Did That!
Questions From Readers 1957 watchtower : Guess who was Armageddon in 1957?
by raymond frantz indon't be confused .when i say who i mean who because back in 1957 jehovah's witnesses didn't believe that armageddon was just the gathering of the kings of the earth to battle with the invisible armies of jesus' ,armageddon was more than that and it did fit bible account far more than it does today .. read the post below which contains a 1957 question from readers (please let me know if the page is displaying correctly on your browser).
is armageddon a place ?.
Them thinking that pioneering is equal to my full time job!
by LongHairGal inthis was a topic that annoyed me and i got into a bit of an argument years ago over this.. some sister (who never worked a day in her life i might add) with the cushy life, affluent husband thought that because she pioneered it was equal to me having a full time secular job.
there were others there who naively thought the same thing.
somehow i gave them an inferiority complex because i worked so they had to dream this up to make themselves feel better.. while i agree that someone who pioneers may be physically tired at the end of the day, there is no comparison to what i have to deal with in going to and from and being on a full time job.
The talks and comments about how dubs working full-time were somehow less spiritual and needed to examine their circumstances to find more time to pioneer used to make me cringe. I worked full time supporting my family while pioneering yet was chastised by the trust-fund crowd for working so much. Easy to say when you've never had the sole responsibility to provide for your family, when you've always had money or when your hubby brings it all home to you.
It's not about's their attitude. Smug, self-righteous, and the last ones to lend you a hand should you need it.
Nice to no longer hear those conversations on a regular basis!!!
Our CO said that if you continue to associate with DF'd relatives..YOU WOULD BE DF'd too!!! This was from stage at the DC!! I wonder what he would say if I told him he contradicted the FDS's direction in the Shepherd book??? Oh, wait!!
Once upon a time in the land of jw make-believe, associating with df'd ones WAS a df'ing event. Then they flipped to It's Okay But Only For Family Business. Then they flopped to Just Be Discreet About It. Maybe they're getting ready to flip-flop yet again.
It IS one of their trademarks.
11-15 WT- Drinking before meetings
by Absalom into be holy, we must weigh the scriptures carefully and do what god asks of us.
consider aarons sons nadab and abihu, who were executed for offering unauthorized fire, perhaps while inebriated.
Today's Website Ad:
by cultBgone ini've gotten used to the almost daily offers to get your pastoral degree now but this one just make me laugh.
make phil rich by joining his slice a loaf gang.... if people spent their time and energy investing in their family and other relationships in this life, rather than spending their 70 years focused on a pretend-future, imagine how much better the earth would be...all the people living life in peace... .
(sorry, tried to downsize the banner but not having success with that.
I've gotten used to the almost daily offers to Get Your Pastoral Degree Now but this one just make me laugh. Make Phil rich by joining his Slice A Loaf gang...
If people spent their time and energy investing in their family and other relationships in THIS life, rather than spending their 70 years focused on a pretend-future, IMAGINE how much better the earth would be...all the people living life in peace...
(Sorry, tried to downsize the banner but not having success with that.)