I remember quite a few returning after the Sept 11 hysteria...but they left fairly quickly when armageddon didn't materialize. Sadly a few stayed on.
Steve2's alcoholic analogy is quite apt, as it can take multiple attempts before "sobriety" becomes a more permanent state. This quote from Heather King struck me as the summation of jw-life: “I once heard a sober alcoholic say that drinking never made him happy, but it made him feel like he was going to be happy in about fifteen minutes." Jdubs stick to the cult NOT because it brings them happiness, but because it promises to do so in the future. They totally miss the point that they can be truly happy NOW! But not when stuck in that soul-killing state of Waiting For Happiness In Paradise.
Here's wishing Sobriety From the WT Cult for all those still-in. Get out of her, you people!