Not sure their safety has improved, they allowed many people to work in a hall clearing a black mold problem. Problem was, there were no masks for several days....not what I'd call safe by anyone's standards.
JoinedPosts by cultBgone
does the BORG follow OSHA standards at KH/ASSEMBLY builds?
by goingthruthemotions inhad a discussion with my wife about kh/assembly hall builds and i told her i don't believe the watchtower society follow osha standards on there build sites.
she trumpted it up that the borg follows stringent pratices and there standards would be more strict.
i laughed and said....ya i don't think so.
It's been a long time....
by Yizuman inlong time, no posts.... .
those that remember me, well, i'm doing ok, so far.. those that remember my wife, she passed away as of june 26th this year after a long battle with various health issues for the past 6 years.. thought i'd drop a note to say hello to everyone that knew me.. .
i hope everyone is well.. .
Yiz, I don't know you but my heart goes out to you. Sounds as if you and your wife had many years of struggle and I'm sorry for your pain and now your grief.
Please hang around and visit more, and many hugs.
Ferguson Shooting (Is my thinking on this all wrong.......)
by out4good3 ini think everyone here can agree that walking down the street, even in the middle of the street, is not cause for having a clip emptied in your ass......... i can understand how the black community would be outraged by the injustice of seeing another black man dead in the street at the hands of the police under mysterious circumstances....... i hope that i'm not succumbing to the attempts to assinate the already well impuned character of the dead man...... however.
i can't help but think that this could all have been avoided by exercising the proper discretion with fore-knowledge of the disadvantages people of color have when they are dealing with law enforcement in the united states.
it is not as if this disadvantage has only since recently came to light.
Cofty spoke to the militarized police forces in the US which are so different than in the UK. Sadly, there have always been police thugs in the US, but now they have military gear (post 9/11 reaction, cause THAT's gonna stop an airplane...but I digress...). There have always been good policeman as well.
And there have always been white thugs and black thugs and brown thugs. There have always been good white people, good black people, and good brown people. The problem is, there have always been bullies. Thug cops bully good cops as well as the general population. Thugs in any color bully good people of any color.
Power struggles never end nicely. Pitting different factions of the community against each other never ends nicely. Sensationalist news outlets don't help.
What the world needs is a different mindset, not more police weapons or control measures. Individuals need a more even footing to flourish. However that's to be achieved remains to be seen, but it remains a possibility if it begins at home. Imagine all the people, living life in can say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
Peace and hugs to everyone.
That's it......
by whathehadas inthis might be my last post.
i've had quite a few things on my mind over the past few years, mainly my belief in god.
i've tried to move on from the jw past but that's really being foolish.
Whathehadas, jws define everything in black-and-white, meaning they judge and label absolutely everything. You were taught that non-jws were "worldly" (bad) and now you call them "normal" (good) but the real truth is...there is no such thing as "normal". Normal is a fictitious state of being which only defines what society at large, at the moment, defines as the preferred state of being. It will change in about ten minutes.
Whatever you are is perfect for that moment in time. Yes, you have loads of resentment, and you can deal with that. Although you were raised to think otherwise, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with you. Yes, it might be good to find some counseling, but the very fact that you woke up and left the bOrg means you're intelligent, sensitive, intuitive, and a survivor. THOSE are good labels!!
Everyone, absolutely everyone, goes through levels of anger and grief for the life that was misspent. We've all felt it. Most of us have absolutely raged with anger in private moments, and sometimes here on the board. The great thing is that the people on this board really will support you, so please keep in touch and don't be afraid to vent when you need to. It's safe here.
Healing takes time but you are on your way. Peace and many hugs to you.
Hard time coping with shunning
by bsand20 init's almost 1am and i can't sleep...again.
i hate to think the organization is still taking my sleep from me 16 years later but i can't help it.
i run a page on social media for ex jw support and advice and i'm usually there helping others but it definitely takes a toll on me when i'm having to argue and disprove jws that troll my page.
jwfacts hit the nail on the head...the bOrg is the one who says counseling is baaaaaad. Sane people will disagree! You've suffered years of mental, emotional and spiritual abuse and it's time to heal YOU. Maybe you need to take a break from your website and focus on know, like putting on your oxygen mask first so you can help others.
It's not your responsibility to argue down trolls and it's taking a toll. Just post a "I'm on vacation" sign and take some much-needed time to nurture YOU.
Peace to you and hugs too.
Active JW's, can you defend "THE TRUTH?"
by DATA-DOG inas of yet, no member of the jehovah's witness faith can defend their unique beliefs.
when the dust settles, it all comes down to blind faith in men's ever-changing ideas.
this "unique belief" was not a "true teaching of the bible.
not on : Law student recounts surviving child abuse by Jehovah's Witness and congregation Elders.
by Balaamsass2 inby rebecca haines.
august 12.
photo/ rebecca haines ariel "arrie" wilson is now moved into her new home in topeka, kan., with her husband and daughter where she will pursue her law degree at washburn law school.
Please comment on this story in the Carthage newspaper, show support for Arrie and help jdubs in that area to wake up to TTATT. Create a pseudonym account if you need to, but please take action! It's not enough for us to discuss these things among ourselves, is it? We all have the power on today's internet to help reach others without exposing ourselves to the bOrg.
If the Governing Body Told You They Love You All Very Much, What Would Your Reply Be?
by steve2 inin a letter in the 2013 yearbook of jehovah's witnesses, the governing body sign off with the words, "we love you all very much".
these words were later echoed by one of the governing body in an address to french jehovah's witnesses in july this year.
these words sound so marvellously compelling and heartfelt - goosebump inducing, even.. imagine the governing body wrote these words to you or expressed them to you in person- yes to you reading these very words.
"How exactly do you mean that?"
inactive ones going back...
by monis1 ini have quite a big group of friends who were all in the cong together when we were teens.
about 75% of them stopped going or were df'd right after high school.
it is a varied group; a couple are staunch apostates, some dont care one way or another, and another handfull are fully "worldly", but still believe it is the truth.
I remember quite a few returning after the Sept 11 hysteria...but they left fairly quickly when armageddon didn't materialize. Sadly a few stayed on.
Steve2's alcoholic analogy is quite apt, as it can take multiple attempts before "sobriety" becomes a more permanent state. This quote from Heather King struck me as the summation of jw-life: “I once heard a sober alcoholic say that drinking never made him happy, but it made him feel like he was going to be happy in about fifteen minutes." Jdubs stick to the cult NOT because it brings them happiness, but because it promises to do so in the future. They totally miss the point that they can be truly happy NOW! But not when stuck in that soul-killing state of Waiting For Happiness In Paradise.
Here's wishing Sobriety From the WT Cult for all those still-in. Get out of her, you people!
"We Love You All Very Much"
by Apognophos ini'm not sure if this has been discussed before.
you guys might recall that when the 2013 yearbook came out, the letter from the governing body ended a bit unusually:.
we love you all very much.
Actions speak louder than words.........
local jws would bump into me and say they missed me, yet not a phone call, a card, an e-mail, a letter....
or worse yet they would tell a family to tell me that they missed me, often......but never contact me
Blondie, you are so right...I'm sure most of us have experienced this "caring" attitude.
A few years ago I was quite ill. I didn't have the energy to attend meetings (not that I wanted to) or to have visitors, but told the eldubs to please share my email address so the friends could keep in touch. My adult child would come from meetings and tell me this one and that one said to say "hi". And how many emails did I receive over the course of a few months? One, from one eldub who never asked how I was feeling, but told me I was obviously in need of a shepherding call and I needed to make arrangements with them.
Guess he's still waiting on me to answer...