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JoinedPosts by cultBgone
Counting Your Time?
by cultBgone inhere's a novel concept that you never hear much about at the kh:.
Here's a novel concept that you never hear much about at the kh:
Updates on 2014 Shun Run
by rawe inour plans for this year's shun run continues.
if you are in the phoenix area on saturday, april 12th consider coming out to papago park at 10am.
we will walk 2.3 miles.
Awesome idea, a Shun Run! Have to keep this for consideration.
What do you think attracts new ones to the JW organization now?
by cultBgone inthis is an offshoot from the jws then and now made me wonder what exactly people find attractive about the cult today?
why are they joining?
any thoughts?.
Emeth -- I can only assume that you are a well-meaning new convert to the jw organization. After twenty years inside and most of a lifetime aware of the jws, I can honestly tell you:
jws are taught the same mind-controlling doctrines the world over, that is true, although not everyone believes everything they read
They do all act the same in that:
They have only conditional love for others, not the unconditional love shown and taught by Jesus...can you honestly imagine Jesus telling a mother to shun her child? Wouldn't happen, ever...even the prodigal son's father was not told to shun him, was he? But he ran out to meet him with total love. So why are jw parents and family not only encouraged, but demanded to shun their own children and family members?
They blindly accept that doctrines which change every few years are proof of god's holy spirit rather than seeing that power-hungry men are manufacturing nonsensical doctrines which have nothing to do with biblical teachings. They have individually lost their ability to THINK and REASON.
They accept the cover-ups of child molestation in congregations while pointing their fingers at other churches doing the same thing..believe that's called Projection by mental health professionals and it's a method of getting the focus off of your problems and putting it on others instead...but the jws have for decades allowed known child molesters to have open access to the small children and teens in their congregations without penalty. Can you imagine how you would feel if it was your little sister or brother? I am speaking truth here as it happened in my family and also to several friends...the children and families suffered greatly but the molesters were protected by the elders and continued to associate freely in congregations.
They help each other when it's good for publicity...but ask how many older and infirm ones are unable to get someone to pick them up for meetings and take them home again, or how many cannot get a ride to the doctor's office because jws are too busy getting in their "preaching" hours and just really don't want to be bothered...and they treat helping non-jws as good ONLY when that person might become a bible study, but bad if it's anyone else cause they're omg "worldly" (where's the love?)
As for everyone being equal...not true in so many ways...many of us have seen adultery go unpunished even when it was widely known in the congregation, and why? Because those involved were family members of elders. Yet others have been disfellowshipped for committing no sin, but merely asking questions. Also, do you get all your housing and meals paid for by people attending meetings? do you get your travel and vacations paid for by people attending meetings? do you get free medical care paid for by people attending meetings? Unless you can say yes to these questions, you are certainly not "equal".
Not sure what you mean by "they give you their stuff and time for free"...they only help those who are new to the organization, once you're in you can forget getting assistance, for the most part...unless your family contains elders.
They are extremely organized only because that's how you extremely control people.
They may be honest for the most part as far as stealing goes, but ask yourself why there are announcements at every convention and assembly to NOT leave your personal belongings unattended? And honesty in business dealings opens a whole other can of worms...and there are even stories on this site of those who've been defrauded and financially harmed by other jws.
You paint a pretty picture but it is not reality. I sincerely hope that you have your eyes opened soon, Emeth. You'll live better if you do. Best wishes to you.
preaching and memorial question
by caroline77 ini asked a jw why most of them don't partake of the bread and wine at their memorial, and was told that the command was given to the disciples only.. at the end of matthew's gospel, the command is given to the 11 disciples to go out and preach to everyone, so why do those who don't take the bread and wine go out knocking doors preaching?.
surely if only the disciples can take the emblems then only the disciples should preach.. no explanation of where the 144,000 come into it was given.. .
Then maybe the other sheep should help them partake of the bread and wine, no?
I can copy and paste in Firefox everywhere but on this site. I can copy from this site into a Word doc, and then copy that and paste it here, but cannot directly copy and paste. Mozilla provides instructions on setting up/updating your Firefox user profile, specifically adding commands to the user.js file and then changing them to point to this site...I'm fairly computer literate and did all that but still cannot upload an image or copy and paste photos/memes into the site. Frustrating! Maybe Outlaw or Blondie has a quick fix?
Foreign language field - the curious Watchtower cutback?
by slimboyfat inmost of the recent watchtower cutbacks can be explained as money saving exercises: closing branches, paperback books, fewer pages in the magazines, sending bethelites home and so on.. but a few different posters have reported that the watchtower society are also cutting back on the foreign field ministry.
for many years foreign language congregations have been a major source of growth for the watchtower in many lands.
so why would they choose to scale it down?.
Slimboy, I don't have details about everything in the sign language field, but the interest has really dropped in our area. And as several have mentioned, the congs that are established have been the pet projects of certain individuals who then were in positions to basically run their own show. Sign language for certain marches to its own set of rules and is not really united with the english congs.
I need help! Talk coming up and I need ideas fast!
by BU2B inomg i am so distressed.
i have a talk coming up on tuesday, it is the number 3 "abiram.
why opposing god appointed authority is tantamount to opposing god himself"!.
Skip it any way you can, it's a propaganda talk and has nothing to do with truth or reality. Maybe you could just manage to come home sick from work Tuesday...with a fever...and a sore throat. I would guess that you will be happier in your own skin if you don't get on that stage. HUGS
Attending the memorial or an assembly? Try this.....Take in a panoramic view of the audience..... / Protection Orders for Sexual Assault Victims
by Sol Reform inattending the memorial or an assembly?
take in a panoramic view of the audience.. around 25% of the adults on average were sexual abused as children.
the global prevalence of child sexual abuse has been estimated at 19.7% for females and 7.9% for males..
Great idea, thanks for sharing!
Tampa Bay Times Article about Shunning
by Interested Observer in
Although I was upset about a friend who totally shunned two of her kids, I think watching a show about Amish kids being shunned just got me to the boiling point where I had to comment to my adult child. I was already vocally upset about the child abuse, although every jw I knew told me I just needed to forget the past (that stuff about everything being made right in the new world is such a bunch o crappola). This is another of my big triggers, the shunning of kids...
The cool part about the Scientology or Amish exposés is that you can comment on it from the emotional perspective..."I just can't imagine how hard it would be if I was in their shoes" kinda thing. "Just suppose something happened and you were disfellowshipped...that would be so hard on me to pick between religion and YOU because I have unconditional love for you." That's not how anyone would actually say it but you get the point. And use the's really, really hard to say they are worldly.
Don't give up, just keep sharing other people's life stories and plant some seeds of doubt in their heads...give them something to think about. Even if they're on autopilot, your words will be remembered. That's how one of my kids knew I had changed for the better and felt free to talk to me.