I'm sorry that nurses are underappreciated but anyone who treated or nursed a now-dead Ebola patient should have had the smarts to self-quarantine for 21 days. At the very least, she should have been smart enough not to potentially endanger others by boarding an aircraft. Seriously?!?
JoinedPosts by cultBgone
I really don't understand this
by keyser soze inwhy, if you're a health care worker who's been exposed to the ebola virus, would you get on an airplane and travel right after?.
The Threat From Ebola by Somebody Who Discovered It
by cofty inthis interview in der spiegel is well worth your time.... peter piot was one of the scientists who discovered ebola in 1976. turns out it was the fault of catholic nuns who coldn't be bothered to sterilise the needles they were using to administer vitamins to pregnant women.. he describes the present outbreak as "a perfect storm" which could claim a frightening number of lives in africa and india.
he doesn't see it as a serious threat to countries with a modern health care system.. "i still remember exactly: one day in september, a pilot from sabena airlines brought us a shiny blue thermos and a letter from a doctor in kinshasa in what was then zaire...".
This weeks #2 & #3 talk on homosexuality
by granada35 inafter a one year sucessful fade and no longer associated with any congreation, i was visiting my sister this week (who goes to the meeting to please her husband for now; i am slowly planting seeds though) and they decided to year this weeks midweek meeting via the telephone.
since i was a guest in her house, i sat with them in the living room to hear the meeting.
to my surprise (especially growing up as a gay jw with still alot of anger in my heart over how i was treated), the talks 2 and 3 where on, of course, homosexualiy.
Again, sorry I was ever a part of this ridiculous, hateful, family-destroying organization.
Question for those converted to JW as adults
by DaleRivers inwhy did you become a jw, what particular teachings attracted you to 'the truth' ?.
in my case (baptized at 20/21) it was the only religion i knew; my mom, her mom, and favorite sister were jw; and the teachings of no hellfire or immortal soul made sense to me.. .
Dale, not so fast about those with college degrees. I've always been a weird mix of emotional and logical, yet felt somehow "less-than" because I never could understand the bible. My older sister was a JW and always seems to have it all together, so she made the religion appear both attractive and legitimate. I had no use for the religion until I had children...lived thousands of miles from family, had no guidance but saw the blatant hypocrisy in the various mainstream religious families who lived around me. Comparing them to the jws, the jws actually looked less hypocritical (because I didn't know all the dirt back then).
Sadly, I ended up getting baptized and raising my kids in the "religion". One had the smarts to get out after a really bad marriage to an elder's son. The other is a diehard dub. Sigh....
Oh, and my sister told me repeatedly that my babies would die at armageddon if I wasn't baptized....THAT was the real catalyst.
Looking back, it's hard to believe I fell for it, but I adored my big sis and the love-bombing made me feel like part of a big family, which I desparately needed as a single mom.
The cultic tactics work on emotions, for sure.
Will JW rape victims die at Armageddon as apostates?
by Zoos inmany jw victims flee the "truth" after elders have raped them and covered it up.
doctrines aside, there would be no reason for one of these young victims to conclude the watchtower environment is god's arrangement on earth.. does the organization acknowledge this irreparable damage or will it write these victims off as apostates, slated for death at armageddon if they choose to get the hell out?.
I'm gonna go with (a) there will be no Armageddon, and (b) if there truly is a loving god, he/she would never punish a victim.
As Flipper sez, Peace out.
by The Searcher inaccording to the letter (link below) out of 705 kingdom halls in spain, 295 are being disposed of.. if someone can translate german/spanish, it would throw some light on the specifics.. http://www.bruderinfo-aktuell.de/index.php/brief-zum-koenigreichssaalbauprogramm-in-spanien/#more-948.
JWFacts is right, of course. Rented halls were just a cash drain, so let's build brand new halls which the WTS owns (thanks to all the volunteered labor). The real estate portfolio of the bOrg keeps on increasing, while the pockets of the bOrgians keep on getting emptied.
Ought to be a law against it...
University Application Personal Statement dilemma - Should I mention my jw past?
by will-be-apostate ini am applying to chemical engineering course in the uk through ucas (a lot of things changed since i've posted last time).. i have a lot of skills i developed while regular pioneering, like public speaking skills, ability to reason (even if it's bs), presentational skills etc.. i feel it would boost my personal statement a lot, but i'm also afraid they would say "this guy beleives in god, and loves science, he must be creationist.
away with him".. how could i mention that i gave interviews front of thousands of people and did voluntary work in my hometown without giving a bad impression?.
i don't want to go into details and start explaining myself that "however i don't beleive in god", or something like that.
I already had my degree, and decades of solid work experience, but in my resume I listed 20 years of public speaking experience, volunteer work in the community, etc. Never, ever mentioned that it was church-related as that will awaken any bias someone may hold.
Just put your skills in general "volunteering" terms...I was never questioned and sailed through every job interview after leaving the cult, receiving job offers without having to fight for them.
The EBOLA conspiracy...
by gopher123 inhey guys.
there has been a ton of illuminati hollywood mind control pre-programming about this virus outbreak before it actually happened.
conspiracy people of the world... unite.. .
Gopher, your name-calling doesn't add to your credibility....just sayin....
The EBOLA conspiracy...
by gopher123 inhey guys.
there has been a ton of illuminati hollywood mind control pre-programming about this virus outbreak before it actually happened.
conspiracy people of the world... unite.. .
Remember that we all know the WTS uses LABELS to push people apart and prevent rational thought.
Having this history may explain why various posters take sides and label each other as if there is only ONE RIGHT SIDE to everything.
Can we please learn from our history and stop insinuating that someone with whom you happen to disagree is wrong, stupid, or paranoid?
Allowing others to have freedom of speech even when you disagree helps us all to gain perspective and knowledge.
Just sayin...
MIRROR UK Article: JWs sex abuse scandal: Church accused of cover-up to protect rapists and paedophiles
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jehovahs-witnesses-sex-abuse-scandal-4422943#ixzz3fwm1uttl.
jehovah's witnesses sex abuse scandal: church accused of cover-up to protect rapists and paedophiles oct 11, 2014 21:11. .
by grace macaskill.
Thank you, Barbara.