At the bottom of this page is a link to watchtower observer..
Goto that website, and then on the left hand site click on 'transplantations'..
It gives alot of info on their views of organ transplants..
BTW: You must be careful how you word things, as the witnesses are very well known and adapt at something called 'theocratic warfare'. Basically, the elder is correct, in that they were not 'banned'.. Anyone could have an organ transplant, but in doing so, they would have been found to be canibalistic and expelled from the congregation..
The proper phrase of the question you should ask the elder is something like:
At one time did the JW's view organ transplants as cannibalistic, and if a JW accepted one, would they have been disfellowed?
We all know what you meant by the word ban, and so did the elder.. But in the wonderful <gag> world of the JW, they are allowed to deceive you in this manner, by doing a bill clinton "Exactly what do you mean by sexual relations"...
Of course, the JW's are even more deceptive, because they will not even ask you what do you mean by 'ban'.. They will just pick an interpretation they want, and then give you the answer with that interpretation..
If you want to have fun with the elder, after he tells you that yes, indeed at one time organ transplants were considered canibalism, ask him why he told you they were not banned..
He'll probably say something like, "Well, if someone wanted the transplant, we cannot ban them from getting it".. You'll see exactly how he knew what you meant, but purposly tried to deceive you..
Wonderful bunch....
- Wannahelp