Accepting women as intellectual and spiritual and social equals is
practically impossible for many men, these men tend to have little education.
Thinking women are inferior is the mindset of men who like to think
of themselves as "spiritual men". There are comments on this site about women
"not being able to understand the deep things of God" How Taliban !!
These men really do believe women are inferior to men. I remember
when the WT used to try to use examples of "nature" birds and animals
to demonstrate the inferior position of women.
When in fact in animals of all sorts
the females often rule and lead.
And in many species sex is interchangeable in that
the creature can be male the first half of its life and female the last half.
Parthenogenesis is a process by which females reproduce young without the fertilization
from any male, and this works in mammals also. All that is required is for the egg to split
and it will begin to develop another individual, this can be done by piercing the egg with
an instrument in a petri dish. In other words men are no relevant to reproduction at all.
The history of women and their suppression is so recent, even in the "advanced" Western cultures, evidence by the fact that as recently as the nineteen sixties 1960's women were not accepted into MIT ( famous technical school for the uneducated males here ) or most engineering schools
or even the I.vy League universities, ( that would be Yale, Harvard ? )to compete alongside men.
When they were finally let in they exceeded the men in all areas of study.
So this is what they had feared for so many hundreds of years ?
I think what happens when a man has the belief that women are inferior, he marries a woman of
lower intelligence and little education to convince himself all women are limited. He dumbs down his own life.
I noticed many women in KH who liked the dumbed down roles they were in, as if it "protected" them.
Being "taken care of" in a limited life worked for some, who like to be useless, but for single women and mothers
having no skills or education led only to grinding poverty, which was worn like a badge of virtue in KH