Jehovah will never forgive people he destroyed in the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah
In the above qoute, you are describing WT doctrine. The WT is no authority on
the mind of God. They have no idea who God forgives or what he cares about.
I was watching a program on birds, tropical birds, parrots to be exact and their life
in the wild. Parrots are playful, joyous and happy birds who in the wild live gregarious
and social lives. This was filmed in Australia. There were a few predators, but their
coloring protected them in their environment. The natural world is not Disneyland.
But I see far more beauty in the world than anything else. I do not know how men
come to the idea there is no "evidence" of intelligent design and purpose in this
universe. I see "evidence" everywhere in my daily life and observations.
I guess we all look at the same things and see it differently, or opposite,
depending on our own way of seeing. Looking for literal measurable calculations
and historical explanations in the Bible, may be naive. Perhaps it is more mystical
and like scientists observing a phenomena can change the outcome by the act of
observing it. Its called the observer effect.
"The Observer Effect, a fundamental premise of quantum theory, raises an open question regarding the nature of existence. Numerous experiments over the past century allude to the role of consciousness in the construct of reality; it has been shown time and again that it is the act of observation itself that causes a wave function to collapse out of either/or uncertainty into what we experience as a particular reality... My reality. Your reality. Everybody's reality. "
As Niels Bohr once famously remarked, "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it."
So it may be the observer who has changed his own reality by his own perception
or created an alternate state that is not really connected to what he assumes is "real"
Some religiouos philosophies maintain we create the reality around us, much like the
observer effect in scientific observation.