Vidiot wrote:
I don't entirely agree with you.
Lol, yes you do
Vidiot wrote:
the real bottom line is, they saw the 67% retention rate, the young people "leaving in droves", the so-called death of printed media, the impending pedo lawsuit payouts and bad PR, and numerous other harbingers of death . . . implemented the corporate equivalent . . . and thusly proceeding to help the process along
Exactly my point. This describes, as you mentioned, a strategy that is purely reactive to external forces. It's also evolving, which is why they redact things, update and destroy BOE letters, and have eldubs editing their KS books.
I suspect that at least some loyalist movers-and-shakers in the WT heirarchy had enough practical common sense to see the way the wind was starting to blow . . . and began directing policy accordingly, ostensibly to save face and to (hopefully) keep the WTS afloat.
This also describes a situation where there isn't any real vision or direction. You have a group of people within the organization who are acting independantly of the visible leadership. They think they know better (and granted, they might actually have better actionable data) and they've proceeded to manipulate individuals/circumstances because they don't believe the GB has the appropriate viewpoint.
There's no bottom line, except survival. I would even hazard to say that the pedantics we see on the ground are a result of an attempt to not only muddy the waters in terms of visiblity by the R&F, but as an obscurification tool to prevent these splinter groups within the top layers of the organization from running around doing whatever they feel is necessary.