Fusion, the fact that this could be a new direction is a possibility.
Unfortunately, at the point where the rubber meets the road, ie. the elders and co's, the tendencies and thought/decision making processes will take years to catch up.
even if the gb for some illogical reason wanted to relax and invite
people back, it would take tons of prodding and convincing to undo
decades of indoctrination. There are a lot of elders and co's who view
themselves as the Phinehases of the org. If people have to die, oh well,
at least the cong is "clean", and they simultaneously feel righteous in their own eyes.
Often times on this forum, people hesitate to accept a new direction or viewpoints taken by the elite ruling class of jws because they know first hand that the drill sgts of the r&f will drop and fumble and make things more difficult than need be.