I haven't been to a meeting in about a year, made up my mind about six months ago that JW's are just another religion and that its not for me. Started dating a "worldly" girl 10 months ago and got engaged this past weekend. I'm having a hard time deciding who to invite to the wedding. All of my friends and family except for a handful are witnesses. The wedding is not going to be a "witness" wedding. Since I've stopped going to meetings I've hard almost no contact with witness friends. I talk to family regularly but half the time it's them asking me about coming back to meetings. I have friends that I've known my whole life and would like them to share this occasion with me but at the same time I think it would either make them uncomfortable, make me uncomfortable or give them ammo to spread around and potentially lead to a call from the elders. So far I've flown under the radar and would like to continue that way, but each day that goes by I care less and less about what they think. Your suggestions would be appreciated!
JoinedPosts by Blttex
Becoming "unevenly yoked" ?
by Blttex ini haven't been to a meeting in about a year, made up my mind about six months ago that jw's are just another religion and that its not for me.
started dating a "worldly" girl 10 months ago and got engaged this past weekend.
i'm having a hard time deciding who to invite to the wedding.
The new Tower of Babel!?
by Blttex ini'm sure most of you who have spent any time in or around the org have noticed the emphasis placed on the need for an organization.
i'm not sure if the emphasis has been increasing or if i am just more aware of it now, but the trust and faith that most witnesses place in "the organization" is shocking and scary at times.
i was reading the account of the tower of babel a few days ago and noticed some similarities with the organization.
No I haven't. Do you know where I can find it?
The new Tower of Babel!?
by Blttex ini'm sure most of you who have spent any time in or around the org have noticed the emphasis placed on the need for an organization.
i'm not sure if the emphasis has been increasing or if i am just more aware of it now, but the trust and faith that most witnesses place in "the organization" is shocking and scary at times.
i was reading the account of the tower of babel a few days ago and noticed some similarities with the organization.
I'm sure most of you who have spent any time in or around the org have noticed the emphasis placed on the need for an organization. I'm not sure if the emphasis has been increasing or if I am just more aware of it now, but the trust and faith that most witnesses place in "the organization" is shocking and scary at times. I was reading the account of the Tower of Babel a few days ago and noticed some similarities with the organization.
- The purpose of the tower was to create a unity among a group of people.
- All of the people spoke the same language.
- Jehovah caused confusion among them by creating new languages.
My take on the situation is that men were relying on each other as a physical group for a bond of unity rather than their faith and dependence on god to guide them through spirit. What are your thoughts?
It's a small world
by Blttex ini've heard that said many times when talking to witnesses.
i've even used it a few times myself.
i always took it as a good thing.
I've heard that said many times when talking to witnesses. I've even used it a few times myself. I always took it as a good thing. Essentially that you can go anywhere in the world and meet brothers and sisters. Or meet people who have friends in common etc. lately I've started to change my viewpoint of the " small world " saying. I still agree that the witness world is small, in many ways. Small minded, small in numbers, small in faith. It grows smaller and smaller by the day as I explore my large new world. There are so many things to enjoy and learn about in the normal world if you have an open mind and resist the temptation to pit groups against groups and realize that there are good and bad in every situation. It's focusing on the good and thanking god for it that strengthens our hearts and minds as well as increases our faith in jehovah. Leave the small world stuff to Disney. Come out and enjoy the real world. The one jehovah created!
My First Birthday!!!!!
by Gojira_101 inmy birthday isn't until the end of july but yesterday i got my first birthday gift in the mail.
my best friend (stubborn disbeliever) sent me my gift early.
i know what it is, but seeing it all wrapped up and knowing on my birthday i can open it...it really struck a cord with me.
I had my first birthday this year too! My christian girlfriend threw me a surprise party. Just the two of us. We even played pin the tail on the donkey. And you know what, it felt liberating. Nothing demonic about it. Maybe slightly pagan, but no more than the origins of just about EVERYTHING from our European roots.
Mic issues
by msconcerned inso on friday all day, the mic guy did a bang up job.....until david splane got to the podium.
it looked like he discussed how the mic should be set up for him, then finally when the mic guy was walking away david says " well im glad we got that settled".
then today same thing, he got the mic guy to readjust the mic for him again.
Obviously the mic guy wasn't praying enough
Dallas people?
by Blttex inanyone from the dallas, tx area?
pm me if you want to get together sometime.
it would be nice to meet someone face to face who truly have learned the truth and have been set free!.
Anyone from the Dallas, Tx area? PM me if you want to get together sometime. It would be nice to meet someone face to face who truly have learned the Truth and have been set free!
C.O. David Wesley
by 2tone ini had this guy once as a c.o.
anybody ever have this guy as there c.o.
just curious of anybody's experiences and thoughts.
I had him around 1999. I was 18 at the time so my viewpoint was a lot different. He was definitely my favorite c.o. Though. Was down to earth, approachable, made an effort to reach out to younger ones. Even played basketball with some from time to time. I had him for pioneer school as well so I got to be around him for two weeks straight. I never saw or heard anything negative about him. Makes me wonder now how he slipped through the cracks.
The unholy trinity of judicial committees
by Blttex inif judicial committees have jehovahs direction and holy spirit why must they be made up of three members?
is the holy spirit not capable of communicating its wishes to just one person alone?
or is it perhaps to give the appearance of fairness and justice.
I always understood the 2-3 witness rule to apply when someone has wronged another person. Not when someone has committed a "gross" sin.
The unholy trinity of judicial committees
by Blttex inif judicial committees have jehovahs direction and holy spirit why must they be made up of three members?
is the holy spirit not capable of communicating its wishes to just one person alone?
or is it perhaps to give the appearance of fairness and justice.
If judicial committees have Jehovahs direction and Holy Spirit why must they be made up of three members? Is The Holy Spirit not capable of communicating its wishes to just one person alone? Or is it perhaps to give the appearance of fairness and justice. After-all we wouldn't want some rogue elder to completely disregard the Holy Spirit and forgive some worthless fornicator without the appropriate amount of groveling would we.