Well, I really appreciate the many people who have welcomed me back. I did not want to reply to any negative, cause who wants to get THIS kinda thread locked? lol we have 98% positive vibes and 2% negative vibes, and I want postive to ruleI do have to state a few things for those who are wondering.
I will stand by any comments I have made in the past. I will admit to perhaps stating them too fast, or too loud, or too wide. Perhaps I should keep some opinions to myself. As for Kent's I love that place, the mix of people are wonderful, and I call everyone there my friends. I am not leaving there to come back here. I am coming back here, because I miss all of the wonderful people here. Look how many responded here for me. Those are the ones I miss, the good hearted, loving people, I have come to know personally.
I have a few here who I do not care for, I am sure you all know who they are lol. I am not being prideful and arrogant by not responding, I am trying to be civil;) If I was to debate our differences here on the public forum, what good would it do? Who wins? Nobody cares as much as those involved in the bickering. Why should I waste my time explaining my thoughts again to someone who I do not get along with, and will probably never get along with?
In the real world if we are in a destructive relationship we can recognize it and walk away from it. I recognized it and walked away from here. As I said, I threw away the many who DO care about me, and I care about because I have no self control. haha I am now willing to attempt to stay here(Simon willing) and not get into any debates with those I don't get along with. I refuse to answer any questions, justify my behavior or respond to any attempts to instigate a fight.
I am here to converse and share my life with those who want meEveryone else be damned<wink>