Vehicle of Satan here! Nice to meet you... (personally, I think the title has a certain ring to it )
And damn it, I KNEW my hoop earrings were a dead give away.... how dare I be so vile.
not saying that's my personal opinion, but this week's congregation bible study asks the viewpoint question, "would apostate literature or internet sites intrigue you or repulse you?
"- jeremiah book, page 70, para 7. .
gotta love it.. i guess apostate sites are like crime scenes.
Vehicle of Satan here! Nice to meet you... (personally, I think the title has a certain ring to it )
And damn it, I KNEW my hoop earrings were a dead give away.... how dare I be so vile.
my friends usually walked me home after dark.
but one evening i was so tired that i decided to call a taxi.
the driver didnt take me home.
Archaic, guilt laden ideologies from an Archaic, fear mongering establishment.
*shaking my head*
I saddens me very deeply to think of people we all know and love still trapped in this life, possibly even believing in it's validity and "love".
guys, i have a chance to help an old friend but i'm pressed for time.
i'll be googling while i'm waitin for responses but i thought others might have some great sources that are harder to find.. first, can anyone recommend a list or website that lists all the infamous years that russell and other leaders expected to have special significance?
it's been too long since i've read up on all of that but i'm thinking about the years like 1799, 1874, 1881, 1910, 1914, etc.... but i need it to be concise, like a table, and i must be able to list references to scans at least.
Marked, thank you.. a year later
i was wondering how a baptised jw see wordly people?
i mean what do they think of people who arent jw ?
do they think we will die forever and that we are controlled by satan?
As much as I don't like to be negative and dash your very earnest hopes Spirtuk, What the other's are saying IS true..
the harder you push and the more persistent you are, the more you risk driving her toward the Cult and all it has to offer. It all just serves to prove to her that ARE in fact, sent by satan to tempt her away from her "True Salvation" as she has been taught in her kingdom hall. We (worldlies) are vile in their eyes.
As much as I admire your tenaciousness and devotion to this girl, I do warn that you stand to be very very hurt.. and I am speaking from experience.
While I don't sit in judgement of your eagerness , I would say that if you are FULLY sure this is the path you want to choose, and you are determined that you will wait and work at freeing this girl.
I would suggest you think carefully about your approach and find ways to GENTLY remain in her life, giving her space, time and just being supportive, rather than going in guns blazing.
POSSIBILY if your young lady begins to feel the seeds of doubt she will remember what a good friend you have been and how your caring for her has been unconditional, and she may turn to you for support and help.
POSSIBLY being the main word here, I think it's rather difficult to fathome at times, the depth of the indoctrination of the JW cult and how incredibly strong the guilt and fear have a hold on it's members.
There are so many variables.. you also have to think of YOU in all of this. I know it hurts, I know it well... (I have over 20 years invested in my situation)
Don't lose yourself in the process of trying to "save" her.
Good luck my determined friend!
apologies if this has been discussed before, or is in the wrong forum, but i could really do with some advice.
two years ago i met the love of my life; someone i regard as my soulmate.
he is an active jw and i am a practising church of england person.
I just discovered this old thread and would love to know how things turned out for you Curious.. (if you still check in from time to time )
Reading some of the things you said in your posts, describing his behaviour and your relationship with this man, honestly could have been written by myself in talking about my own situation.
It's a horribly emotionally challenging situation. One that most people never DREAM they would have to face in a life time.
From my heart, I hope you found your happiness.. with or without the Man.
i was wondering how a baptised jw see wordly people?
i mean what do they think of people who arent jw ?
do they think we will die forever and that we are controlled by satan?
More flies with Honey jgnat, that is usually my policy
I can't seem to tear myself away now that I am here...
Although I don't have as much to offer, ( having been brought up in a mostly agnostic household I admit that the deep understanding of JW society is not my experience)
I have been touched by this world and chaos has ensued in my OWN life because of it.
I have a background in mental healthcare as well as a degree in sociology and would love to be able to discuss and contribute where I can.
I am amazed by the openness and love here! It's really great.
i was wondering how a baptised jw see wordly people?
i mean what do they think of people who arent jw ?
do they think we will die forever and that we are controlled by satan?
But isn't that the point? To keep people feeling inferior so they continue to strive more, work harder , live in a festering pool of guilt and fear so that they never leave?
Self doubt and inferiority are very powerful forces of control.
i was wondering how a baptised jw see wordly people?
i mean what do they think of people who arent jw ?
do they think we will die forever and that we are controlled by satan?
I have to say, after re-reading, that I may not agree that ALL jw's are hypocrites and I really try never to judge any one as a "whole" in that way.
But again, I do understand the frustration and the hurt that this causes.
yes, it IS the ultimate in hypocracy to engage in this double life, leaving people hurt and dismayed. As I said before, I feel like I am just Collateral Damage to my JW Friend's struggle with his own "truth",
However I DO understand that this is not really intentional. I am forgiving enough that I actually feel SAD for his struggle. I can't imagine being so confused, so longing for something more, but feeling trapped by my own mind and my own cult indoctrination that I no longer have the ability to think critically or freely.
I have read so many stories of struggle and escape on this site, and have GREAT respect for many of the people here who have woken up, and had the courage to overcome such adversity, many losing family and loved ones in the process.
Kudos to all of you who have had the intestinal fortitude to free yourselves!
I hope in facing my own personal struggles that I may have the same kind of strength of character.
I can also continue to hope and pray to my OWN personal god, for the return of so many loved ones who are still living in the dark.
i was wondering how a baptised jw see wordly people?
i mean what do they think of people who arent jw ?
do they think we will die forever and that we are controlled by satan?
I have recently had a very similar experience as yours. I understand your frustration and hurt all too well.
I am still dealing with the emotional upheaval of being lied to and consequently "shunned" by someone whom I was once (well twice actually...) very close to.
I, like you, am not nor never have been a JW.
It's a painful experience to get caught up in and something very very difficult to grasp in it's full magnitude if you really have not had experience in the cult mindset or understanding how VERY indoctrinated and involved the jw life and dare I say, culture is. I totally see what you are saying. I have been strugginling with the same thoughts:
" if you are a true jw ( brainwashed as f**k) you wouldnt do anything wordly (having fun with wordly friends that are going to die and that are controlled by satan) but you would focus on your preaching,marrying young ,serving god ,field service ,studying and only that.. but of course we know that all jws are hypocrites , leading their double lifes and ruin others people.. they feel guilt for a god that does not exist , they sacrafice reality for imagination and absurdity.Then when things get rough ,they just vanish from other peoples life ,believing of doing the right thing for them ,but thats only for themselves .. "
Even though the wonderful people from JWN have helped my understanding grow immensely, and I am able to more often separate my own feelings of "what did I do wrong" and see more clearly that this is NOT me, but entirely my JW companion's issue to deal with (really I am just Collateral Damage in the train wreck of his JW life choices), I UNDERSTAND your anger and frustration.
The choice that your JW friend made to involve you in her life, all the while KNOWING she could never really BE in your life is cruel and selfish. Not very Christian at ALL is it?
I feel very resentful that I am the one viewed as the devil's cohort, when I am not the one of the two of us who went against my "God", misled, hurt and then consequently totally walked away from and shunned the person I professed to care for so deeply. THe irony of these actions from my very "spiritually advanced" friend, are not lost...
Having spent time here talking to some of these great people, reading their stories and understanding the mindset and CULT of the JW organization has helped me a great deal.. and I hope if you stick around and listen/read it will help you too.
i am a non jw who has been doing a fair amount of research on my own in hopes of finding some answers and understanding for my current heartwrenching situation:.
i have been dating a man for the last while, and we grew very close, very quickly.. .
suddenly he has pulled away from me, gotten very skittish and says he feels like he is leading a double life, and isn't ready for a relationship.. all the while stating that his impending divorce is the reason for his cold feet, which could be understandable except the marriage was very much "over" long ago.
Thank you Nochoice!
While this took some time for me come to my realization, and I needed some help from people more experienced and understanding of the JW ways, (and the help was immense!)
I have come to the conclusion that being apart IS the right thing.
I left him before 20 years ago when things were bad and he was not ready to get help for his substance abuse, Seems to me that not much has changed. Just the booze has become JW`s.
Crutch for a Crutch. Still something other than himself making his decisions for him.
No worries, I am better than that.
I really clearly see how weak he is. Sad as it is. I DO wish him well and hope he finds his way out, but it`s been a very long time that he has been `seeking` himself in some form or other... so I must admit I don`t have a world of hope.
My life goes on. I have a pretty full and loving life with good friends, wonderful children and a loving family.
I will be fine. This was surprising to me and shook me for a minute - mostly because of our past history I think, it kind of gave this a different quality of `connection`
but I have no qualms in my ability to move past it and be happy! (have faced bigger adversity and been hurt by more in my life).
You guys here are amazing, your ability to accept people, their stories and be so forthcoming and kind leaves me at a loss for words!
Thank you all again.
I think I will stick around some