interesting observation ISP.
i thought the golden rule was: he with the gold rules
the article has the front cover title of the golden rule is it still practical?.
the first paragraph says as follows....... those words were spoken nearly two thousand years ago by jesus christ in his famous sermon on the mount.
in the centuries since, much has been said and written about that simple statement.
interesting observation ISP.
i thought the golden rule was: he with the gold rules
1969: i was still studying with the jws, attending meetings, and preparing for baptism.
one of the requirements was that i notify my previous religion, the roman catholic church where i was baptized as a baby in 1951, and demand they remove me from membership.. catholic policy: i wrote to my priest in southern california to follow-up on the jw requirement to write to the catholic church and demand removal.
but, unlike most churches, the catholic church never removes anyone from the membership.
God blessed me that day, not because I acted at the urging of a religion or a belief system, but I acted from the heart and sought to heal another, and in that found healing for myself. - Amazing
thanks for your post it was beautiful and thanks for this quote it's a keeper
why does your name have to appear on the monthly report card that you hand in?
i completely understand the need to keep track of hours, placements etc., but this could be accomplished without each persons name.
is it really necessary (or scriptual) to judge the state of a persons spirituality by numbers tallied on a score card?
lol dan, i live for sarcasim. if there was no score card how would we know the winner?
but seriously, the org needs names on the cards to determine who is placing and who needs a special talk. they also keep detailed stats at every level from the top all the way down to the individual.
just a few loose ends and random thoughts for a select group of readers who have not been completely defrauded of your faith.. on the topic of stumbling: stumbling typically involves the mistakes of others whether real or perceived.
the reason jehovah does not consider any stumbling block as a valid reason for abandoning ones faith is because a persons faith should be in jehovah and christ in the first place.
and since god most assuredly did not let his worshipper down, what a fellow believer does or does not do should have no bearing upon our personal relationship with our heavenly father.
back to the point
There is in fact NOTHING that you can throw at me that I cannot answer with either God's word or my fath
On the topic of stumbling: Stumbling typically involves the mistakes of others whether real or perceived. The reason Jehovah does not consider any stumbling block as a valid reason for abandoning one’s faith is because a person’s faith should be in Jehovah and Christ in the first place. And since God most assuredly did not let his worshipper down, what a fellow believer does or does not do should have no bearing upon our personal relationship with our heavenly Father. The problem lies in the feebleness of faith in the one stumbled. That’s why Paul, in discussing the issue of stumbling, said that: “the weak man eats vegetables.” (Out of fear that the meat might have been offered to some phony deity)
if this is a true statement then it must be applied to the universal church of the 1st 2nd 3rd........century. that being so i must ask yet again.
"since God most assuredly did not let his worshipper down"
then why aren't you orthodox or catholic?
why one of the new "faiths"?
just a few loose ends and random thoughts for a select group of readers who have not been completely defrauded of your faith.. on the topic of stumbling: stumbling typically involves the mistakes of others whether real or perceived.
the reason jehovah does not consider any stumbling block as a valid reason for abandoning ones faith is because a persons faith should be in jehovah and christ in the first place.
and since god most assuredly did not let his worshipper down, what a fellow believer does or does not do should have no bearing upon our personal relationship with our heavenly father.
back to the point
On the topic of stumbling: Stumbling typically involves the mistakes of others whether real or perceived. The reason Jehovah does not consider any stumbling block as a valid reason for abandoning one’s faith is because a person’s faith should be in Jehovah and Christ in the first place. And since God most assuredly did not let his worshipper down, what a fellow believer does or does not do should have no bearing upon our personal relationship with our heavenly Father. The problem lies in the feebleness of faith in the one stumbled. That’s why Paul, in discussing the issue of stumbling, said that: “the weak man eats vegetables.” (Out of fear that the meat might have been offered to some phony deity)
if this is a true statement then it must be applied to the universal church of the 1st 2nd 3rd........century. that being so i must ask yet again.
"since God most assuredly did not let his worshipper down"
then why arn't you orthodox or catholic?
why one of the new "faiths"?
There is in fact NOTHING that you can throw at me that I cannot answer with either God's word or my faith
just a few loose ends and random thoughts for a select group of readers who have not been completely defrauded of your faith.. on the topic of stumbling: stumbling typically involves the mistakes of others whether real or perceived.
the reason jehovah does not consider any stumbling block as a valid reason for abandoning ones faith is because a persons faith should be in jehovah and christ in the first place.
and since god most assuredly did not let his worshipper down, what a fellow believer does or does not do should have no bearing upon our personal relationship with our heavenly father.
back to the point
On the topic of stumbling: Stumbling typically involves the mistakes of others whether real or perceived. The reason Jehovah does not consider any stumbling block as a valid reason for abandoning one’s faith is because a person’s faith should be in Jehovah and Christ in the first place. And since God most assuredly did not let his worshipper down, what a fellow believer does or does not do should have no bearing upon our personal relationship with our heavenly Father. The problem lies in the feebleness of faith in the one stumbled. That’s why Paul, in discussing the issue of stumbling, said that: “the weak man eats vegetables.” (Out of fear that the meat might have been offered to some phony deity)
"since God most assuredly did not let his worshipper down"
then why arn't you orthodox or catholic?
why one of the new "faiths"?
just a few loose ends and random thoughts for a select group of readers who have not been completely defrauded of your faith.. on the topic of stumbling: stumbling typically involves the mistakes of others whether real or perceived.
the reason jehovah does not consider any stumbling block as a valid reason for abandoning ones faith is because a persons faith should be in jehovah and christ in the first place.
and since god most assuredly did not let his worshipper down, what a fellow believer does or does not do should have no bearing upon our personal relationship with our heavenly father.
Some of Jesus' disciples were shocked and refused to follow him any longer , apparently foolishly imagining that Jesus was advocating canabalism or literal blood drinking.
thay were not foolish. what is foolish is to teach what the diciples were "imagining". going way beyond what is in scripture.
what was so shocking? was it that the diciples that satayed were "apparently" eating his flesh? he says water is wine and it is. he says the dead are living and thay are. he says the blind see and thay do. he says the lame walk and thay do. he says eat this it is my body and it is. jesus said you must eat of my flesh. must you? you must.
when jesus was NOT understood, the crist "rebuked" when he was understood he(jesus) moved on to his next teaching. and he moved on.
but my questions are:
"since God most assuredly did not let his worshipper down"
then why arn't you orthodox or catholic?
why one of the new "faiths"
why not one of the "faiths" that eat?
why have you stumbled?
4 questions i would like to know the answers to
just a few loose ends and random thoughts for a select group of readers who have not been completely defrauded of your faith.. on the topic of stumbling: stumbling typically involves the mistakes of others whether real or perceived.
the reason jehovah does not consider any stumbling block as a valid reason for abandoning ones faith is because a persons faith should be in jehovah and christ in the first place.
and since god most assuredly did not let his worshipper down, what a fellow believer does or does not do should have no bearing upon our personal relationship with our heavenly father.
Jesus told all his disciples that they had to eat his flesh and drink his blood. Yet some were stumbled and left off following him and others weren’t. If you recall the instance, Jesus made no attempt to reclaim by clarification those who feigned shock and disgust, but instead turned to his handful of faithful apostles
that's right, he told them to eat his flesh and drink his was not symbolic. so no clarification was needed. it was understood. some would not eat, some would eat.
again i ask you why not one of the "faiths" that eat?
why have you stumbled?
There is in fact NOTHING that you can throw at me that I cannot answer with either God's word or my faith
then answer.
just a few loose ends and random thoughts for a select group of readers who have not been completely defrauded of your faith.. on the topic of stumbling: stumbling typically involves the mistakes of others whether real or perceived.
the reason jehovah does not consider any stumbling block as a valid reason for abandoning ones faith is because a persons faith should be in jehovah and christ in the first place.
and since god most assuredly did not let his worshipper down, what a fellow believer does or does not do should have no bearing upon our personal relationship with our heavenly father.
On the topic of stumbling: Stumbling typically involves the mistakes of others whether real or perceived. The reason Jehovah does not consider any stumbling block as a valid reason for abandoning one’s faith is because a person’s faith should be in Jehovah and Christ in the first place. And since God most assuredly did not let his worshipper down, what a fellow believer does or does not do should have no bearing upon our personal relationship with our heavenly Father. The problem lies in the feebleness of faith in the one stumbled. That’s why Paul, in discussing the issue of stumbling, said that: “the weak man eats vegetables.” (Out of fear that the meat might have been offered to some phony deity)
"since God most assuredly did not let his worshipper down"
then why arn't you orthodox or catholic?
why one of the new "faiths"?
see no evil.
bill o'reily--------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
berkeley, calif. america's most liberal city has come through again.
But here's the kicker: The woman who contacted the ACLU has been ostracized by her community. Her little girl is no longer able to go to school because the other kids are angry with her
. That, of course, is a shame. But it demonstrates that the majority of Americans are in no mood for irrational nonsense.
"no longer able to go to school because the other kids are angry with her"?? not! no! lie! she can't go to school beacase the other kids are harrassing and threatening her due to her mother's political beliefe!!! VERY VERY different then, thay FEEL angry.
are the suspected terrorists "captured" in prisoner of war camps? NO
is the US in a state of War? NO
terrorists are active in germany & england. when will we bomb them? never, thay would fight back and demand the rules of law. the US is using the army to arrest of mass murders in Afghanstan. how can anyone say it is other then a "police action" we (the US) have declared no war. we (the US) are trying to "arrest" bin-laden to stand trial on charges of terrorism.
Here's how bad it is in Berkeley and other places bordering the land of Oz: The pacifist line is that we can win "the hearts and minds" of our enemies with love and understanding.
lol.... how did a major chrisian belief change to a fantasy?
Seventy percent of Afghans are illiterate. Even if we drop food on them, they can't read the messages that go with it. How are we supposed to convince them that we are not hostile? By dropping the Phonics Game?
what the hell does it matter if thay can read. illiterate or not you know we are hostile because we are killing them. to convince them we are not holtile we would stop the hostility.
hay dude, China called. there are some "chinese political terrorists" hiding in NY city. the bombing will begin on tuesday to make ready for the land troops. don't worry China is not at war with us thay are only going after "terrorists" hopefully not too many citizens will not be killed but sometimes it can't be helped. you know how it is. but we know thay are not hostile don't we. going after terorists does mean we can suspend the rules of law, right.
Hate mongers suck