We are Protestant our real-estate is for Protestant only. We are white and our water fountains are for whites only. We are Yankees, Irish need not apply.
What? Discrimination? No...you see we are just trying to help our brothers out............it is good for Gods white Yankee people to help each other isn't it?
as the borg hammered us into thinking that anyone who had contact with the dead were in fact speaking to the demons, however, now we know that a lot of their teachings are full of sh*t.. i lost my dad at the start of this year.
a couple of months later i bump into a close friend who has known dad for many years.. this guy was stoked that he was getting married and mentioned how it was a shame dad wasn't around for the wedding.. yesterday i called in to see him and he told me something that had happened to him.. he was talking to his sister, who lives in another town, and she is active in some spiritual group.
she said she had never met jack, my dad, but that she has been talking to him and that he had a message he wanted given to this friend, her brother.. dad wanted him to get out of this relationship fast.. he never took it seriously and carried on as usual.. not long after that, this fiancee of his smashed up his 4x4, was on a restricted drivers licence and spent the money he gave her for his hire purchases.. so, his truck is wrecked, he can't claim insurance to get it repaired, he still has to pay it off, a lot of his possessions have been repo-ed and that basically he is in sh*t street without a shovel.. do you think it was a message from my dad ??.
Kep, I'm sorry for your loss. I don't think it was your dad or a demon or anything but the imagination of someone who wants very badly to speak to the dead.
People looking for the lockness monster see it. People looking for spaceships find them. People hunting Bigfoot catch sight of it. the mind is a powerful thing it can give you what you think you need.
well the new heaven dont really concern me<-------144,000, we might finally get to see the thrones in the clouds, and a new earth<------rest of mankind/paradise .
the new earth will be hella fun, we get to play and hang out with all the animals, eat lot's of fruit, and lived in peace, and i wanna talk to noah(question for him, hehe) and i wanna ask christ or god, either one, can you give me powers, so i can fly in the heavens .
I would like to point out that no battle takes place in the book of Revelation AKA the apocalypse of John. Any planing for a "battle" comes from Christians not Christ.
When Jesus came upon demons they didn't fight him or stand against him, they begged him for mercy. when the light shines into the darkness the darkness is destroyed, no battle, no resistance, no horror.
i don't know if anyone has said this before, but i wanted to say a big thank you to all of you non-jw's who have put up with us and stayed with us and helped us out so much.. i know offhand: jerome, detective, and hawkaw.
i know there are many many more of you, but please step up here and take a very well-deserved bow and get a very well-deserved hand from me and from others..
I was never a JW, but i attended the KH in Somerville, MA a few years when i was a kid. i remember when a speaker closed his speech with "i don't know if the next time we see each other will be this system or the next." I started to giggle and got in trouble with my dad. when we got outside he asked me what that was all about. I said I wanted to rase my hand and say, "this one."
A lot of what happened at the Hall was just boooooring most of all I remember waiting to worship God. Sunday meetings came and went, Wednesday night meetings came and went, all the time I wondered "when will we worship God."
I would give a shout out to big Jim Bird and family.
Willy_think, of the waiting on parodical family class.
He knows he has to tell his family and friends and, though he didn't say it in so many words, it's clear that he's afraid that he'll lose them all.
Not ALL, not you. He is going to need an ALL NEW support system of friends. if the feelings of isolation and the anxiety of separation can be lessened, it would aid him in his transition.
Joel has shown a grate deal of understanding in past posts and this one is not any deferent, I would, give his advice to your friend when the time is right.
if all else false try Willy_think's "4W" plain: "Worldly Women Work Wonders"
i came back for reasons, but you know, you should understand why i came back when you see me this dec or next feb 2003, bout to change the world soon... .
anyway i had another dream, another leader and his own country was screaming peace & we have safety, and then the whole planet was.
dark, and then i woke up... < scared me str, and btw i was trying to see which leader was saying that,'but for some reason, i could'nt .
If it benefits the WT PR to cut him loose, I think he would be DFed right quick. The WT legal would claim he was acting on his own.
If it would legally endanger the WT down the road, I think they would turn to the "War strategy" and fight, spending moneys into the millions if needed.
having been a witness for many, many years, about 15 to be exact, i just thought i'd explain a few things for new-comers to this site about what it's like to be a "dub".
"dub" is just a convenient shorthand for "jehovah's witness", and is not meant to be derogatory, but i think i will stick to calling them witnesses here for the sake of people visiting during the furore upon whose brink we are sitting.. much of those early years i don't really remember.
Hmm...I guess I'm a bit new at seeing this stuff. Is it just me, or do these poor people have an inferiority complex due to what the organization is feeding them? I'm having a hard time differentiating between the followers, and the government that they are following. I really care for these folks, but the way they treat me is really difficult to stomach.
No, it's a persecution complex, you are persecuting them with your questions. Poof!! Into the sand go there heads safe from your bad influence. As to the differentiating, I think you will find the puppet much like the puppet master.