Christianity started with the founding of the church about 1,970 years ago.
The worship of God started,for the Angeles before man, but for us in the time we call the garden of Eden or at very least, shortly after that time.
It seems funny to me that Christians are shocked and upset when they read that God was worshiped when all religion was paging. It makes me wonder it they think they made God or that he was unknown before God named a man Israel.
If there was an Adam, was he a Christian or Jew?
If there was a God before there was a Jew, was he a pagan God?
If there was a God of the beginning, was he worshipped before there was (for the lack of a better word) an un-pagon religion?
Is it shocking to know there was real God before there was a mandate given to the Jews on how he was to be worshiped?
When I read this kind of thing I can't help but think what is being said is guess what God was before we were! He didn't fall out of the sky, bible in hand, with the start of Christianity.
The Great and Powerful Oz:
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain