Tony is a good man no doubt, but remember his country is under US military occupation and so they are not quite as free to chose sides as they might seem.
JoinedPosts by willy_think
Kudos to Tony Blair, UK PM
by Amazing in... not because he supports action regarding iraq, for that is a debatable issue.
rather, it is because tony blair has proven to be a stand-up statesman who has been able to work well with two very different us administrations, clinton then bush ... while keeping his own moral clarity and vision.
if tony blair represents the majority of british sentiments, then the usa can thank its lucky stars as having such a close friend and ally ... and americans need to better appreciate our british brethern.
What do you think?
i would like to hear from anyone who subscribes to my believe in creation as the bible states, however when jehovah realized that earthly man was a complete screw up, and that he would eventually turn out this way, he immediatly started all over again 5000 light years away, and the second time around he's got it right.. somewhere in the universe there is a perfect race of people created in gods image enjoying what the dubs think is going to happen to them lol.. what do you all think?
sensible answers please ozzie...... martin
You have made some statements as to the nature of God within your post that I would like to point out if I may.
when Jehovah realized that Earthly man was a complete screw up, and that he would eventually turn out this way
"Jehovah" is not an all knowing unchanging God, he is the maker who got it wrong on his first try.he immediately started all over again 5000 light years away, and the second time around he's got it right.
"Jehovah" is in time "immediately", Jehovah is imperfect "the second time he's got it right" ( if he F-ed up so bad the first time why would I think he got it right the second time? Is it practice makes perfect?)
If he got it right the second time the, why would he make "perfect people" experience the living hell of the eternal subservant grass eating maintenance man that the JWs think will happen to them?This God could not have been the God Jesus called father.
Faith? Real or wishful thinking?
by kevin221 ina question for the masses.. is pure faith real, or just a tool the human psyche uses to justify life patterns or actions?
i'm having a hard time understanding how someone could have a secure belief system based 100 % on faith.
let me explain.
pure faith? Pure faith is a word game we play on each other.
people were once told the world was flat, so they believed.
People now are told the world is a sphere, so they believe.
I've never looked down upon it with my own eyes but I've seen pics and believe
I've seen the horizon from a plain and was told it looked like that because it's round even though I new it wasn't round I believed I know what she was saying.
I've never done the equations to prove the worlds shape but I believe the people who said they did.
Do you know the world is not flat or are you like me believing 100% the world is not flat.
To me it's the same/same we trust authority because we must trust someone to learn even the moist simple things. When we louse faith in the old authority we replace it with a new one. thinking of how silly the old-timers were for not believing as we do now is how we cope, I think, but I can only guess at how silly we will seem someday.I believe 100% there is a God!!!! But I give me 50% chance of being correct I'm not sure what that makes me.
What is a christian
by A Paduan inin light of a recent thread by ozzie showing the wt reaffirming salvation by works, i wanted to put forward a post questioning what a christian is.
my own belief is that christianity is about kindness that marginalises the fears surrounding any self-cost (any, even spiritual - i believe that's a secret truth).
the belief in salvation by works is the belief in a trade - a buying and selling.
A Christian is one baptized in the name of the Farther and the Son and the Holly Spirit. The other questions speak only to the quality of the Christian.
there once was an apostle who had faith he could walk on water if called by his lord, but faith is given life not in the believing, he believed he had all the faith in the world, but in the work we are called to do. remember he stepped out of that boat walking and began to sink his faith was not enough he called to his lord with faith Jesus would and could save him. Through the grace of his lord he was rased up walked on the water in the hand of Jesus Christ and received life were there was sure death awaiting him.That's how I see faith and works, as one. We have faith Christ calls us but if we will not do the work of walking we can never reach him. we can have faith and works but still like his apostle before us we cannot reach him on our faith and works, but it is enough that we try and call on him when we fall short, this is salvation through grace.
Catholics cannonized the Bible, right?
by StinkyPantz inisn't it true that the roman catholic church put together the bible (canonized the books), and decided the order and all that?
if this isn't true set me straight please.. what do the witnesses think about this?
is it (the bible) just as valid if part of "christendom" decided which books of the bible would be included?
Bank of WisdomBox 926,
Louisville, KY 40201238F
ORGERY IN CHRISTIANITY Son of the Hebrew God came in course of time to Jewryostensibly to make amends for some of his Father's damningvengeances. He came "to fulfill the law"; not only that, he overdidit and added to it sundry fiery climaxes of cursing and damnation,religious bigotry and intolerance unique to the "Gospel of Love"and of redemptive salvation. For sanctions ad terrorem of the newpreachments of Christ who "came to bring not peace but the sword,"Jesus himself kindled the fires of Hell and decreed eternaldamnation for unbelief: "He that believeth not shall be damned";"Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire"; "Except yerepent, ye shall all likewise perish"; "He that believeth not theSon, the wrath of God abideth on him"! These genial persuasions tobelief in the priests were added to by Paul the Persecutor; harkingback to his God's Law of Sinai: "He that despised Moses' law diedwithout mercy; ... Of how much sorer punishment ... shall he bethought worthy who hath trodden under foot the Son of God?" -- "Thesame shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, and shall betormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holyangels and of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment aseendethforever and ever: and they shall have no rest day or night" from"the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God"! All this is for thehappy Hereafter; but the pious deviltry begins by Hell-on-earth, asthe gentle Jesus himself prescribed: "Those mine enemies, whichwould not that I reign over them, bring hither, and slay thembefore me." (Luke, xix, 27.) The whole body of Apostles appealedfor Divine permit, that "we command fire to come down from heaven,and consume them" (Luke ix, 54), who sought to imitate their piousdevil-enchantments. Peter, Prince of Apostles, takes up the bloodycue: Every soul which will not hear that prophet shall bedestroyed" (Acts, iii, 23); and Bigot Paul enjoins persecution,boycott and murder for the dissentient: "For there are many unrulyand vain talkers ... whose mouths must be stopped" (Titus, i, 10,11): and "He that troubleth you ... I would they were even cut off"(Gal. v, 10, 12)
What am I to make of a man who tells me this is what Jesus and Paul did and were?
How can he help me to understand anything about who canonized the Bible, when he shows such a twisted understanding of it?Edited by - willy_think on 1 September 2002 18:26:16
Catholics cannonized the Bible, right?
by StinkyPantz inisn't it true that the roman catholic church put together the bible (canonized the books), and decided the order and all that?
if this isn't true set me straight please.. what do the witnesses think about this?
is it (the bible) just as valid if part of "christendom" decided which books of the bible would be included?
Yes, it is true, not only did the Catholic Church canonize the bible they did it years after they allegedly went apostate, making the bible an apostate book from the church lead by Satan.
The bible is part of the Tradition of the church, according to Tradition the pope and bishops were led by the holy spirit in there work, making there choice of books infallible. future divisions within the church lead to fractures and the abandonment of many Traditions, like infallibility, but most sects still hold the bible as holy book. Go figure?
They didn't chose "holy enough" books, they only picked books that were "inspired by the holy spirit," if it was inspired it was in, if it was simply the work of men it was out.
It is really quote simple: the Pope with the guidance of the holy spirit can declare a subject of faith and morals an infallible truth. This you see is his authority given to him by God. on his authority alone the bible came to be the holy scriptures of the catholic church and of every church using it today.
Edited by - willy_think on 1 September 2002 6:55:54
Opinons Please--Church-State division?
by patio34 ini saw this in this morning's news on
they have a posting opinion section and 100% of the people were against this guy.
1) should there be a more absolute division of church and state in the u.s.?
The House chaplain now earns $148,500, and Senate chaplain makes $130,000.
A congregation with 100 members pays 100,000+ yearly to a man of God when thousands of preachers would do it for free? (A politicians ear can be worth more then money)
I don't want to subsidizes a preacher who only preaches to 100 rich people! Why am I paying for this with churches all over Washington, DC? they should cut the job, Americans go to the church of there choice on there own time and pay for it with there own dime, that is how it is, and should be for all free men, even men who want it all for free. -
Oprah Awards $50,000 to Silent Lambs
by abbagail inah ha!!
now that i got your attention.... well, oprah hasn't yet awarded $50,000 to silent lambs, but she very well could if enough of us "nominate" silentlambs (bill/sheila/joe/barbara, et al) for oprah's "use your life award.
" any regular oprah-watchers will know what i'm referring to; that during the season, she presents various individuals (on monday's show each week) with this award for their service to their cause (along with the big fat check)... .
Sent in my request :)
by Mary ini have a couple of questions that no one has been able to answer, as apparently, no one else at the hall has thought of it.
my question is regarding the command that jehovah gave adam regarding eating from the tree.
genesis 2:16 says "and jehovah god also laid this command upon the man: "from every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction.
Just a bit of trivia: the Hebrew word translated in Gen. 3 as "serpent" is also translated, leviathan, sea monster, dragon and titan. I believe thinking of the "serpent" as a small snake may be a big mistake.
by Mary ini have a couple of questions that no one has been able to answer, as apparently, no one else at the hall has thought of it.
my question is regarding the command that jehovah gave adam regarding eating from the tree.
genesis 2:16 says "and jehovah god also laid this command upon the man: "from every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction.
I believe they did die that very day, not bodily but of the spirit in which they were clothed. this is why the Christ brought the holy spirit back to us, that we may be clothed in the spirit, for he who believes in the lord will live forever and never die. with the disobedience of Adam we lost the holy spirit, with the complete obedience of Christ we receive eternal life clothed in the holy spirit.