Hi Mulan,
things worked out well for you but you know what he was saying was not about you at all it was about who will control the congregation.
It seems the CO agrees with the last comment, and said "these 4 sisters had the audacity to photograph her car to try and make trouble for this sister who is doing nothing wrong". Then he launched into an attack on the elders for allowing these 4 women to try and control the congregation. We knew exactly which 4 women it is too. This elder told her not to worry anymore about this situation and that Dave and I are to be viewed as INACTIVE only, and that the CO told them that "this problem is OVER now, and there is to be a local needs part asap." I can't wait to hear about that.
Then he launched into an attack on the elders for allowing these 4 women to try and control the congregation.
I'm sorry to say, if it had been 4 men you would be so fuc*ed right now.