I asked a simple question, please show support for your very strange theory.
from the april 1,2002 watchtower.
page 5 and 6.. to see the difference between having an accurate knowledge of the bible and having a passing acquaintance with what it says, let us consider what is commonly called the our father, or the lord's prayer, recorded at mathew 6:9-13.. millions regularly recite jesus' model prayer in church.
but how many have been taught its meaning, especially the first part of the prayer dealing with god's name and kingdom?
I asked a simple question, please show support for your very strange theory.
i sent my mom a letter not too long ago telling her that i wanted my family back.
well, i got a very unexpected response.
she basically said "no".
I'm sorry SP, I know it sucks.
Edited by - willy_think on 23 July 2002 18:56:47
from the april 1,2002 watchtower.
page 5 and 6.. to see the difference between having an accurate knowledge of the bible and having a passing acquaintance with what it says, let us consider what is commonly called the our father, or the lord's prayer, recorded at mathew 6:9-13.. millions regularly recite jesus' model prayer in church.
but how many have been taught its meaning, especially the first part of the prayer dealing with god's name and kingdom?
MODAL prayer? Never to be prayed?
Please show support for this odd view.
some witness theological beliefs are, man has free will, god can see the future.. i used to wonder how this could work.for if god could see you were going to do something then you must do it, otherwise god is wrong, so therefore you had no choice.. take judas for example.jesus is believed to have known he would be betrayed by fact it is suppossed to have been prophesied in psalms that someone close to him would do so.. if god could see that judas would kill jesus then once this predicion was made judas had no choice no free will to choose not either god can't really see the furture and can just make predictions or man has no free will.if when god looks into the future this causes an event to happen , its gods fault if he see something bad happening , as if he didn't look it would not have been set in stone.. if it is predictions that god makes (not acktual knowledge of what will happen)then what are these based on?.
knowledge of the human brain and how it works?if so, then man actions are purly based on mechanisms within the brain that are so rigid that you with enought knowledge can know them thousands of years if mans sins it not his fault , theres nothing he can do about it , he has no free god is not just in punishing him.. whichever way it does not work out as fair or logical that a god could see the future and for man to have free will..
I believe God can't "see the future" as in looking from this time into another time, for God in neither in this time nor any other time. God can "remember" what you did yesterday but he didn't interfere, he can remember what you will do tomorrow and still not interfere. God's "Seeing" is not God causing us to dance like puppets on a string.
If God knew of the mess we would end up in....why did he start?
When I taught my daughter to ride a bike I know she would fall but she had no idea I would let anything so horrible so very scary and potentially dangerous as falling off her bike happen to her. Well, I did. you see the fear and pain were not the end she believed they were, only one small part of her learning to be what she was not before.
I just saw your post, I understand you think my God is a fantasy so All words about him are games we play but still I'll ask:
Can you tell me just what you think "thinking" "planning" and "doing" are?
I am interested in your idea's as to what "moving" would consist of to my God? (who is without matter and location).
Edited by - willy_think on 21 July 2002 10:43:43
the watchtower just doesn't get it.
they won't be satified until they disfellowship bill.
another hearing is scheduled for wednesday.
I wonder if people like myself, who believe the WT is railroading bill, would be considered "conspiracy theorists."
I believe the WT is conspiring to discredit a good man.
I believe Bill's efforts to bring aid and protection to the children of witness to be the motive behind the slanderous campaign.
I believe WT officials have had meetings discussing Bill and ways to discredit the info. that SL and others involved in this cause are bringing forward.
I believe WT lawyers have prepared the elders who are to conduct his inquisition.
I believe the WT active conspirers against any significant threat.
That's my "conspiracy theory" any way. Call me a nut if you like..................
with all that is happening in the watch tower these days, its surpising that michael jackson hasn't spoken out.
after all at one time he was the most famous jehovah's witness who ever lived.. .
The new Michael Jackson ride opened at six flags, I tried to get in line, but the man said you must be under 4 ft. to ride Michael...................
pedophile paradise.... too bad bill could not substanciate this accusation.... yes we do have pedophile in our ranks.... but bill 23,000 where the hell did you get that figure....(i want proof damnit).
yes we do have problems within the organisation.... yes, some elders have been on a power trip for a long time.... yes, there have been many doctrinal changes..... why would witnesses on certain countries allowed to vote why people in the us cannot even harbor.
the thought of voting.... i hope bill bowen does not get disfellowship...cause if he is he will no longer able to drum up supports among true diehard, dedicated witnesses to the cause.. most people up in here are deleberately bashing the organisation.... why?
I'm still waiting for you to tell me about "the good side" of following the WT's mandates.
Apparently you don't know of any good side. Just make something up if you need to, it works for my pops.
pedophile paradise.... too bad bill could not substanciate this accusation.... yes we do have pedophile in our ranks.... but bill 23,000 where the hell did you get that figure....(i want proof damnit).
yes we do have problems within the organisation.... yes, some elders have been on a power trip for a long time.... yes, there have been many doctrinal changes..... why would witnesses on certain countries allowed to vote why people in the us cannot even harbor.
the thought of voting.... i hope bill bowen does not get disfellowship...cause if he is he will no longer able to drum up supports among true diehard, dedicated witnesses to the cause.. most people up in here are deleberately bashing the organisation.... why?
Why don't you take this time to mention the good side of being a member of an org with problems including but not limited to some elders on a power trip, many doctrinal changes, pedophiles in good standing, an org who clams world wide unity demonstrating something very different again and again, (voting, cards in Mexico......)
I hope Bill does not get DF......cause he didn't do anything in the least bit wrong.
I'm looking forward to reading all about the good side.
only god has the power to create things.
but he can have help with the design.that is why they can only be mutants or huge giants when having relations with humans.
the demons have the power to go into the body.
Dear beep,
i would be happy to reply to the historical statements you have put forward and to the questions you rase based on these assurances. However your statements are made on your authority alone, without any references or supporting evidence. As I'm sure you know, we can't truly call our opinions of the moment "bible research". research you, to this point, you have not provided for discussion. if you would please show your research we can begin.