In a cold indifferent universe too many people need religion to save them from disappear. I believe We would commit the great folly of starting all over again. New religions with a new and improved afterlife.
JoinedPosts by willy_think
All Religions Admit There Is No Afterlife!
by FMZ inok, we know it will never happen, but i think this could be an interesting discussion.... what if this really happened?
the lyrics to the song "imagine" got me pondering on this...imagine there's no heaven,.
it's easy if you try,.
MORALITY: what is it really?
by Terry inwhat is morality?
how is it different from ethics?
do we just make it all up to suit our fancy?
I believe that most people do wish to benefit society and are quite willing to surrender part of themselves to that endeavor. The question is why? My belief is that at it is rooted in the social conditioning we receive mixed with a healthy dose of romanticism.
who among us is not part of a collective, who does not buy in to something? Woman want mirage even though it consists of washing, cleaning and caring for others, the everyday grind that drains us. if a wife and mother is not careful to find fulfillment out side of the other, the loss of self can result. How many woman climbed upon a cross for there family only to find themselves alone in the end, looking at their reflection and asking; who am i? what do i want? am i here at all? Chasing ideals, the perfect house or the perfect code of behavior is to chase what others tell us to desire.
MORALITY: what is it really?
by Terry inwhat is morality?
how is it different from ethics?
do we just make it all up to suit our fancy?
Morality, is a socially imposed code of conduct that benefits Society at the cost of the individual.
by sometimeleft in.
hi - i"m new to this though i've been reading it for some time.i"m 57 my wife have been with the wtbts for too long 18 ys (aproximatelly ) have two sons - one was baptized one was not but all are out of it for a couple of yrs now - glad we're out .
anyways - just wanted to say hi - this site has been good for us especially me - talk to yu guys later
Hi & Welcome Sometimeleft
Hi all.
by foreverlove in.
i am not sure where to post an introduction so i shall do that here.
i heard about this board from a friend at and look forward to some wonderful discussion.. .
How Well Educated Are You?
by minimus in.
12 years of schooling (and never stayed back, either) for me.....and you?
An Associates in Building Construction from Wentworth.
I am working on my Bachelor Degree in Construction Management, also at Wentworth.
What Is the Real World?
by Satanus inthe wt has it's own definition of 'the world', which they claim to not be a part of.
yet, in following trends, such as fear trends, ultraconservative fashion trends, allowing it's members to take in various media, such as popular music, movies, sports, the jws are part of the world.
yet, by wt definition, they are not.. sitting, thinking yesterday about my life, my social contacts, work, play etc.
real world?
That is the place were 2+2=4. in the real world, there are no fairies dancing in the garden, no angles on pins, no gods giving out prizes, no devils making you do things. In the real world St. Anthony will not help you find lost things. In the real world there are no good or bad men, only men and the things that they do. The real world is the place were social constraints and traditions are used to suppress the individual. But still 2+2 is 4
Would you consider this murder or?
by kls inlogans thread on murder had me thinking of a tale shall we say and i would like to know if you feel this is murder or?
,,,,,,,,,two people live together ( a man and a women ) and they are both severe drunks.
they are living in an upstairs apartment and have been drinking non stop for weeks.
Seems to me "pushed" him may be better stated as "assaulted" him. This is a death the direct result of a crime. It seems much like when a drunk shakes his/her baby not intending to kill it. Or when a kidnaper accidentally kills his/her victim. Murder one.
SDA Church spawns a Cult
by barry inyes thats right folks lock up you re friends and relatives and daughters because this cult makes the jws look weak in the cult market.. .
the lord our righteousness church and some of the teachings are.. .
micheal travesser has the soul of jesus and other members can become gods.. .
Now let me get this straight I get to hang with the big guy J.C. Himself, see naked chicks and be a god someday? There is obviously no down side to this one, maybe I'll sign me up for the god thing...
JW morality: is it from virtue or calculating self interest?
by True North injws love to congratulate themselves for being -- as they see it -- morally superior to "worldly" people.
however, if one does something right to get a reward (eternal life in paradise, status in the congregation) or refrains from doing something wrong to avoid punishment (death at armageddon, disfellowshipping), is that virtue or calculating self interest?
is virtue only what one does and not why?
JW morality is a very simple thing. When you are in you are moral when you are out you are immoral.
JW hook;
Join to shear in the materiel and physical gains after the big "A".
Join or die bitch.
Can you say Carrot and whip?