Jan, do you really despise Americans as much as your frequent American-bashing posts seem to imply? I am not trying to be argumentative.....I AM getting wholeheartedly sick to death of hearing these sweeping, scathing overgeneralizations of myself as a member of this nation.
America is made up of ALL kinds of people; with all kinds of concerns, personalities and ideologies. There are good and bad, caring and self-centered, intelligent and ignorant citizens of this country, and everything in between.....the same as every other country in the world. Now if you want to take issue with the American govt. or policy, then specify that please. Because us Neanderthal, greedy, self-serving bastards have feelings too.
I mean, I try to not hold it against someone say, who happens to be from Norway, who makes an outrageously bigotted, ignorant remark because I try to give him the benefit of the doubt. Esp. when in most other areas he seems to be so well-read, informed and not closeminded!