It is quite telling to viewed with suspicion if a witness refers to Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. And these are professed ‘Christians’. The societies’ talks and literature go out of their way to avoid addressing him by the very titles given to him in the New Testament. The Watchtower demoted him to ‘the greatest man who ever lived’ or ‘the great teacher’.
JoinedPosts by wokeup
Is it okey to express your love for Jesus currently as a Jehovah's witness?
by Kosonen inis it okey to express your love for jesus as a jehovah's witness?.
it should be, even though it would lift some eyebrows in the congregation.
let's see what jesus said:.
Watchtower January 2022 The Memorial
by Listener innext years memorial article focuses on the two class system that they promote.. interestingly, they mention how the anointed are in two covenants.
the new covenant and the kingdom covenant.
they claim that both of these covenants opened up the way for a small number to become kings and priests in heaven.
Did anyone see Sam Herd at the annual meeting? He was gleefully excited describing his anticipation going to heaven to go on a killing spree , killing all of ‘Jehovahs Enemies’. He was shaking and giddy talking about it. I don’t think that is the ‘one hope’ the New Testament Speaks about.
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You're DISFELLOWSHIPPED, Please---DON'T CONTACT US, Until You Return to Jehovah's Organization!
by pistolpete ini just heard this story from one of my relatives.
i'm leaving a lot of things out.. a jw couple had three kids and raised them in the religion.
the oldest one got disfellowshipped at 18 years of age because he committed fornication with a jw girl.
What gets me, is if you tell the truth and voice concerns about falsehood, the loaded language, the hypocrisy, the logical fallacies or entertain a different opinion other than theirs you are guilty of thought crime. You can expect the elder body to label and excommunicate you under the guise of ‘creating divisions and keeping the congregation clean’. And for good measure, tell others that YOU ‘left Jehovah’. The icing on the cake is your believing relatives and conditional friends have been weaponized to act as enforcers. This behavior solidifies the breakdown of your family unit and relationships. Such a loving arrangement.
WT Teaching On Who The NT was Written For
by Sea Breeze inmaybe someone can help me here:when i got baptized at age 23, an elder dropped a bombshell on me.
he said that the new testament wasn't written for the great crowd (me).
he said that it only applies to the anointed, and "by extension" the nt applies to the great crowd.
Yes, the New Testament hope was a limited time offer that has since expired due to the literal 144,000 number promoted by the organization. But hope is not lost. We have another salvation plan for you! If you make a dedication vow to ‘Jehovah’ get baptized in symbol of that vow and live up to that vow by carrying out the perfunctory works outlined by the organization you can be his ‘friend’ now and for another 1000 years. Now that is good news!
Has anyone seen this?
by wokeup ingoogle: vintage freemason compilation collinsworth family.. several pages into the program has a familiar face..
Has anyone seen this?
by wokeup ingoogle: vintage freemason compilation collinsworth family.. several pages into the program has a familiar face..
For argument sake. Let's say I get 'caught' bringing up an erroneous teaching by the watchtower such as overlapping generation or 1914 and I'm brought before a 3 man tribunal and deemed 'an unrepentant wrongdoer' for questioning a false teaching. I'm now viewed as having 'left Jehovah' and excommunicated. So effective in silencing dissent ( real or imagined ) within the ranks, assaulting one's power of reasoning and destroying one's reputation in one swoop. Spiritual battery I say.
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Interesting Take on Vows
by konceptual99 inso yesterday was the wt on vows.. it spoke, in part about two vows.
the vow you make in dedication and the vow of marriage.
here's how it describes them.. the most important vow that a christian can make is the one with which he dedicates his life to jehovah.
It's been awhile since I've posted, but I have to comment on yesterday's watchtower. Dedication vows and 'living up' to that vow is NOT Gods' plan of salvation. It is not a Christian teaching. Neither is baptism a 'symbol' of a dedication according to all the scriptures pertaining to Water baptism and is not reflective of the baptisms in the book of Acts both by Jews and Gentiles.
The organization's leaders quote Jesus out of context at Matthew 5:33 with a snippet to give the impression Jesus supports making vows or swearing oaths. In verse 34 Jesus instructs his disciples NOT to. And the governing body knows that.Yet they persist in perpetuating falsehood. Christianity has nothing to do with vows or oaths that was practiced in ancient times.
A matter fact, Jesus concludes the matter in verse 37 that vows/sworn oaths originated with the wicked one.
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JW Broadcasting—November 2015
by wifibandit in
that is supposed to make people go back?!
The message is clear: If you are inactive and not attending meetings, you are a lost sheep. As a lost sheep, you have 'left Jehovah'. It is urgent that you return to the fold (organization) immediately. The Shepherd is waiting. His patience is limited by the fact that the Great Tribulation is soon to be upon us. Act now, before he sends his Son and Faithful Slave to eradicate you.Link +2 / -0 -
Baptism is it really a dedication to God, where in the Bible?
by Crazyguy ini haven't found a scripture where it says that baptism is a dedication to god.
i have only found in the book of acts chapter 2 i believe where baptism is for forgiveness of sins.
am i wrong?
Making a dedication, 'symbolizing' that dedication by Baptism and then "living up' to that dedication by carrying out the perfunctory tasks prescribed the organization is not a NT teaching. The Hebrew and Greek words for dedication are not present contextually in association with Baptism in any way.