I haven't posted on this forum in ages. I periodically check it out to see what's new. I have to comment on this post as it shows the paranoid insanity of the WTS. Close to 20 years ago I graduated HS. I graduated with Honors and I enjoyed the learing environment. I was also very much a believer in what the Society taught. However, I wanted to go to Community College for some Accounting classes. Two year course and I started it in September and was forced to quit in December. Here's how it went...
I was a good dyed in the wool JW. I would often give parts on Assemblies and was held as an example to others. My Dad was the Cong. Secretary and worked his butt off in a factory. I was approached by the Circuit Overseer (His name was Clive. Good looking dude that dressed well. Believe he is at Bethel now). I was to give my experience at the Assembly regarding preaching to my fellow classmates at school. I was to give my experience twice at two different assemblies on consecutive weekends. Well I gave me experience and ended it with saying that I would continue witnessing to my fellow classmates in Community College. Well.. The stuff hit the fan. At lunch the District Overseer wanted to talk to me. The Circuit Overseer was in the room as well. He verbally chewed us both out and said I was not allowed to give my experience at the next assembly. The Circuit Overseer left and I was talked down to by the DO for a good 15 minutes about how I was not a good example because I was not pioneering right after HS. The look of distaste on his face remains vivid in my mind even to this day. I will say the Circuit Overseer apologized to me for the experience but he had no choice and I was yanked from the next assembly. After this all happend I faced incredible pressure from my family, the elder body and others in the hall to quit school. I couldn't take it anymore and I did quit. Went Reg. Pioneering for a year and moved the hell away from there a year later. Now I will be going back to school years later.Jobs are harder to find and you have to have a piece of paper that says you have some type of Secondary training even if you can do the job with your eyes closed. My parents apologized to me years later but the damage has been done. I will never be a member of any religion while I still draw breath