I guess I am a bit paranoid..lol. I was thinking that with all the scandals rocking the religious groups today that governments may take a closer look in their own backyard when it comes to religious groups.
Thanks for your reply Prisca:)
I guess I am a bit paranoid..lol. I was thinking that with all the scandals rocking the religious groups today that governments may take a closer look in their own backyard when it comes to religious groups.
Thanks for your reply Prisca:)
I see alot of references on this site regarding "lurkers" and "spies". I have been thinking a bit on this topic and came up with a question. Do you think the Governments or other religious organizations plant moles or spies among the JW's?
I feel that they can and probably have to some extent. I of course have no proof of this but it makes sense that they keep track of what the religious groups are doing.
everyone thinks they have a friend or even many friends.
have you ever come to know that your "friend" was really no friend after all?
what happened??
I can relate to this question.. I had a so-called good friend turn me in to the elders about something I had done years before. We had been talking about some of the crazy stuff we had done in the past. I get a call a couple days later from an elder in his hall. I had a JC of 5 elders and ended up getting put on reproof.
To this day he doesn't understand why I want nothing to do with him. I have a couple close friends. I have learned that you still have to be careful about what you say even to your best friends.
did you ever pioneer in your congregation?
i was an aux.
pioneer 4 or 5 months a year when my seasonal job was over.
I was a regular auxillary pioneer for 6 months or so. I full-time pioneered for a year and it was hell. I was pressured to be the "good example" and so of course I did.
Yup..I just loved taking the group in the morning and no one show up. I loved getting chewed out for not having a BS(when the CO came to visit) or not "selling" enough mags. I loved being out until 11 at night so I could make my "time" for the month. I loved it when I had to go door to door while my friends spent the summer at the beach and partying.
The list goes on of course. When I look back it saddens me that I was once so blind and that I had wasted so much time working for this "cult".
Being a JW has caused me alot of pain and sadness
dead (resurrected ) or alive who would you choose?.
mood barometer: a little melancholy, but basically .
every once in a while i think of who i would like to meet.
It would be my Grandfather. He was from China and saw his family killed. Long story...:(. He was always asking if I still belonged to that crazy religion. He was a smart man and I miss him very much.
In the present it would be my wife and childrenThey mean the world to me.
just asking because i'm wanting to expand my musical horizons, looking for some new artists to get into.. my all time most-listened-to cd (and we're talking hundreds of listenings):.
thanks for sharing!
Def Leppard (Pyromania and Hysteria)(Most listened too)
Evanescence -Fallen( The lead singer has a very haunting voice that draws you in)
Creed (All) but Weathered is my fav
Coldplay-A Rush of Blood To The Head
Nickelback-Silver Side Up(Great Canadian Band)
Our Lady Peace (all)
Seven Mary Three(awesome group)
I also listen to the Eagles,AC/DC,Trust Company,Puddle of Mudd,U2,New Order,Audioslave,Foo Fighters and Red Hot Chili Peppers among others:)
have been using morpheus for a couple of years now, and hasn't been too bad at all, got about 400 tracks download.
since gettiing aol broadband, the diversity seems to have diminished a bit, either i'm on the wrong dsl provider or morpheus isn't as good as it used to be.
the one i was on previous (can't remember the name now) went totally pearshaped after it got served a writ for using copyrighted material.....anyway, know of any other good music file sharing sites?
Here is a couple of links about this issue that I have found interesting:)
Especially this one http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=9048
There is always two sides to the story. I do believe that music piracy has had an effect on music sales. I also believe the current business model for record companies and a global downturn in economies have had an effect on music sales. I would like to see the record companies launch a GOOD online subscription service and yes I would pay to use such a service.
In regards to Kaaza and the like. I will not install or use these programs. I work as a repair tech and I have had to format countless systems because of the spyware(contained in Kaaza and the like) and the viruses that users inadvertently download. Kaaza is monitored and I have seen recently a cease and desist letter that was sent to a customer. His IP was tracked and they monitored his download(LOTRII). His ISP was notified as well as the RCMP. His account was cancelled and he was warned. He could have been fined a very large amount of money.
With that in mind I just want to tell everyone to be careful. Life is full of consequences and so is downloading off the Internet
My 0.02
well, since the info by our photos/usernames is not available yet (profile info), i figured, why not give it another go.
the aussies had a go of it, time for the canucks to toss some maple syrup into the forum.
who on this forum is from canada?
Originally from the South Shore of Nova Scotia. Moved to Toronto and now reside in the Hamilton area.
i'm so curious!
if you see this, sign your name and your location if you want, cuz i wanna know how many people actively view this!
Wolfy----->Hamilton, Ontario:)
my ex and i had an interesting conversation this evening on the phone.
we ended up talking about dfing and da'ing and i made some comment about her "turning me into the elders for joining the y" and then i stated something to effect that "she's lucky i never said anything to the elders about her and i and what we did before getting married.
" (basement, alone, dark, - use your imagination).
Hello Mike:)
I was reproved a few years back for something I had done(7) years earlier. I made the mistake in confiding in someone that I thought was a friend. Well..Instead of calling me he turned me in. I ended up in a JC with 5 Elders.
I do understand that it all depends on your status in the Org. If you are not active and don't identify yourself as a Witness they may not go after you. If you decide to go back they may question you about it. That's what I have been told by an Elder when I asked him. May not be the same in all areas though.