Thank you all for you commments. It really helped for me to get on here and read some of the comments.
Scully--thanks for being so understanding and for the hug. IT is very hard to be in a relationship with my mom. It was a lot harder as a child and a teenagers, because I did not understand what was going on, but now I know and I am educated and I can protect myself to a degree from getting sucked in by her manipulation. Today it was just hard. This is the 2nd christmas I spent without her. I tried to see her before, but it is just too hard. A part of me really wants to, but then knows it will be really really hard. I have come through a lot with dealing with our relationship. I spent 2 years in counseling and have grown a lot in the last 1 just through grad school. I think I will make it someday...
Waiting--Thanks for the hug. I am sorry about your mom, it is a hard thing to deal with. Do you still live in Indiana. That is where I live. Take care
Thanks again everyone...