Using the military to hand out deliberately smallpox infected blankets to American Indians = biological warfare.
you let your engine explode before you change the oil
How can you even compare the two things? Does the US own the planet? Is every human being US property, and thus, the US's responsibility to look out for their future well being?
How would your neighbors like it if they came home, and you were inside their house, uninvited, changing things on their computer because you thought your settings were better? Or if you felt you needed to walk up and down the street in a neighborhood that has told you repeatedly you are NOT welcome, tinkering with everyone's car engines?
you want someone to attack us before we do anything about them
In what world do you live where you think you have the right to act against anyone you feel just because they MIGHT be a threat to you someday?
Do you load up your pistol and walk down the street shooting people in the face so you don't have to worry about them robbing your house while you're away?
Are we really no better than 'hit them back first'?!?!
What are we, barbarians?!?!?
Edited by - Xander on 23 January 2003 17:34:18