Regardless of how complicated everyone wants to make the Iraq situation, there is one point that continuously seems to be ignored or overlooked in all the debating going on....that is the fact that Bush has said he will go with or without the UN's support. He has also said we're going with or without the citizen's of America's support.
WMD - you can say these words over & over again, but it remains painstakingly clear that Saddam has never used these weapons against the United States - nor could he at this point. In fact, he has only used them "defensively".He'd be lucky to get them over to Isreal (look at the Gulf War - how many scud's actually hit?). Arguments of links with Osama go against everything I have heard & read from Professors & others that study Arab relationships. Sadam would rather jump in bed with the United States (almost) than have these extreme fundamentalist groups getting a stronghold within his country. His sovereignty is at stake - and we all know what he is most concerned about is keeping himself in power. For him to align himself w/groups like al-Quida would be about the same as the US doing so. It could happen - but it would be a desparate last resort attempt of his - and would most likely be a "revenge" situation. Yes, Sadam is a bad guy - & EVERYONE knows it. Saudi Arabia has been suggesting that a coalition be made to overthrow Sadam - without war. This goes overlooked & ignored by the war hawks - they simply are not interested in just getting Sadam out - so what do they want? Inquiring minds would like to know. Everyone in that region wants to get Sadam out - but only the US and those they can bully into agreement are ones that want a military invasion headed by the US. The situation in the middle east is very delicate - and our going in to overthrow Iraq by force is not only frowned upon - it will throw instability into that region like never before - if the US does this alone without the backing of the UN. Another overlooked & ignored fact - those that have the most to lose at the hands of Iraq (all middle eastern countries for the most part) - want nothing to do with the United States "solution"!
We didn't get this kind of resistence with the Gulf War - we certainly didn't get this resistence with Afghanistan. We are getting it now - so perhaps American's should ask themselves WHY?!!!!!
I am an American & I love my country. If this prolonged invasion of Iraq happens - its very possible that my son will be involved as well. So to say I have a vested interest is an understatement.
But, where does America get off "policing the world" in the manner in which they do? Where do we get off thumbing our fingers up at the UN & yet expect all other countries except ourselves (and Isreal) to abide by the UN? Why are we part of an organization that we don't respect, and will do what we want regardless. The double-standard is insulting to the rest of the world - and I don't blame them. We are not "more intelligent". We are not "wiser". We are certainly not more understanding of the middle east than the middle easterners. The only thing we are is stronger militarily at this point.......and I believe most great powers got to exactly this point right before they fell. It wasn't their lack of military strength that toppled all great historical country's - it was their arrogance & their believing themselves invincible. We can stand up to any country one-on-one - of this there is no doubt. But can we really risk having to stand up to alot of them that join together because of the threat that America poses to their self-interests?